Oct 13, 2024

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.

Another week down! Only one more full week, then the weekend, then a Monday until Spectacular releases! I am SOOOO excited! Espeically since I am spending a boatload to go to California to Stephanie's holiday party! It'll be my first time on the west coast and though I'm only going to Stephanie's event, I hope to one day come back and do something touristy...and include an event with Stephanie again! Lol. I'm already preparing my holiday costume to wear as well! I don't usually dress up for books mainly because it's sooo hard to find a "fantasy" dress that fits the storyline and looks like what I imagine the character was wearing or like in my paranormal books, they just dress normal! Unless they start sporting leather pants and tube tops and I soooo don't dress like that! Not even for a costume of a character I loved! Lol. But for this one I figure I can "winterify" a summer dress I have, as I suspect it might still be warmish in CA in two weeks, plus in the event space as well will likely get warm, so "winterifying" a summer dress is the plan! Lol. 

For this actual week it was somewhat timid. Not much happened the first half but then on Wednesday I had a signing to see Erin Sterling and Ally Condie and it was a lot of fun! Then Thursday I had another signing to meet Kate Golden who I only just recently started reading but I loved the first book of her trilogy and cannot wait to finish it. Which based on the ending she briefly mentioned of book 2, I am SO glad I waited to read that one until I had book 3! Lol.

Here's what I got this week:

The Wedding Witch by Erin Sterling--SIGNED!
A Reign of Rose by Kate Golden--SIGNED!

Then I recently created an Amazon order mainly to get some costume pieces to add to my dress and in order to get the free shipping I just threw this book in there, as it was one I was interested in and the price was right to get the rest of my costume accessories! Lol.

A History of Ghosts, Spirits, and the Supernatural by DK Publishing

Then I FINALLY got my copies of the first three Study books from The Bookish Box! I ordered these nearly a year ago, I think it was just one week or less shy of the actual full year. But they arrived at last!

I'm a little meh on the actual covers, but I LOOOOVE the stenciled/sprayed edges! The naked hardcovers are pretty too and I liked the character art on the flipside, so maybe I'll just flip the covers! The Study trilogy was one of my first adult fantasy series I read, so it has a special place in my heart! It also got me friends with Maria as well! So that book boxes were FINALLY giving this classic series some love made me so happy I purchased them with little thought! Now I did hold myself back from purchasing a recent set I saw from another book box company. I wasn't familiar with them and they were doing Valek's trilogy books and I was a little meh on those covers, so couple that with the unfamiliar company and I decided to pass.

Then I got some preorder goodies in the mail this week:

First up is swag of The Madness by Dawn Kurtagich, straight from the UK!
I got a bookmark
a sticker
a signed bookplate
two postcards 


Then I got The Heart of the World preorder goodies which were character art cards of the covers!

THANK YOU Penguin Teen!

Then at Kate Golden's signing, I got a whole stack of fun character art:

There were stickers &
Character cards!

And that was it for me this week! Definitely more than I expected after last week! What all did you get?


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