Oct 20, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--The Whoops Edition


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.

The week was definitely longer this time around without a signing to break it up. I actually did have one signing on Sunday evening which was nice! I had never met Olivie Blake (who I still need to read but she's in the TBR pile now!) and Alix E. Harrow (still need to read her too!), but if was a fun evening and I got to socialize with another reader for a bit which is always nice as I don't really get to socialize in reality much. "Reality" being real life, in person, as I do converse with my coworkers online and other readers online, but never face to face socializations. Lol. Naturally I finished Finale way too early and have been going stark raving mad with nothing to read these last 2 days and still have another 2 days and some plus hours to go. Seeing that other random readers were gifted with early copies of my most anticipated 2024 read sent me into a depressive spiral. Like legit crying and not wanting to do anything, though I was forced to do my job. Still not in the best of places mentally, but nothing to be done about it. At least I have Thursday's trip to look forward to with Stephanie Garber! Hopefully that all goes well and without a hitch!

Ended up with way too many books this week. True, two came from the signing, one set was a preorder "of sorts" that I ordered back in August and I had a few contest wins that were also delayed, but the rest was all my poor little pocketbook.

Here's what I got:

Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder--new edition SIGNED!
Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder--new edition SIGNED!
Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder--new edition SIGNED!

I've been a huge fan of Maria's books pretty much since they came out, I think I found Poison Study some months before Magic Study released and fell in love with the books! That whatever bookish PR rep that climbed out of the cave recently and coined the new genre "ROMANTASY" clearly had not been alive or around in 2005 when this fantasy with a romantic element story started! Anyway, the covers were just too pretty too pass up for my collection so I had to get them. Now to save up and order the UK reprints!

Januaries by Olivie Blake--SIGNED!
Masters of Death by Olivie Blake--SIGNED! Impulsively purchased at the signing, where as the above book was my "ticket" purchase in!

The Cards of Life and Death by Colleen Gleason
The Gems of Vice and Greed by Colleen Gleason

I am massively behind on her books but she's coming to St. Louis this week, legit the night before I fly out to Sacramento for Stephanie's signing--I will be getting no sleep between those nights as I leave super early to go CA and then the next day to come home on a super early flight. So I impulsively bought the last two books of this series of hers that I need to start and B&N did the WORST packing job ever! I swear I would've thought it was Amazon as whoever did it, first had to bend the book cover back or something BEFORE putting it into the box face down so that the crease could set in on its 7-10 day "member's express" journey to my address. I did the best I could to flatten it, but with zero time left to order replacements I had to endure.

Phantasma by Kaylie Smith--honestly, as soon as I saw the "Caraval meets Throne of the Fallen" I had to have it!
The Ashes & The Star-Cursed King by Carissa Broadbent
Six Scorched Roses by Carissa Broadbent--Target edition

At the Sunday signing, I learned Carissa is coming to St. Louis next month, so I bought that ticket then and there and then picked these two up this weekend! Luckily I had a $10 Target gift card I earned from a previous purchase that helped bring down that receipt! Man, I wish I could still earn Target Circle Rewards, but there is no longer any earning cash for later purchases anymore.

Then I won a contest from Danielle Paige about a month or two ago and I finally got my prizes!

Wish of the Wicked by Danielle Paige
Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken
The Mirror of Beasts by Alexandra Bracken

THANK YOU Danielle!

And that was it for me! So really, it was a long overdue preorder of books I've read but in new pretty covers, three contest wins, and then the rest! So yeah...I was not good. But it just means I'm getting closer to a B&N gift card! Lol. What all did you get this week?

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