Oct 22, 2024

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

As I write this on Friday night, I am crying in a corner because I was not blessed with an early copy of Spectacular. By the time you read this I will have gone over 4 days without reading a single thing! I don't want to interrupt my mind-flow of the Caraval world, so yes, this is what self-inflicted torture really looks like. Lol But the good news is also by the time you (likely) read this I will have bought my copy at the store and am knee deep in reading it, because the 12 or so copies I've ordered will not arrive fast enough! Lol. So here's another teaser from Finale...

"Tella's face went bone-white, but her expression turned fierce and her hand felt warm and solid as she took Scarlett's and squeezed tight. 'You're the same as you've always been, we just know more about you now. But it doesn't change you--not unless you let it. And this news doesn't change us, either. Even if we didn't share any blood at all, I would still call you my sister and I would battle anyone who tied to say it wasn't true.'" 

TITLE: Finale
AUTHOR: Stephanie Garber

PUBLISHER: Flatiron Books
GENRE: YA Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: May 7, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top Ten Ways My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time (submitted by Lydia @ https://lydiaschoch.com)

*in no particular order
**OUAT--once upon a time ;)

10. OUAT I WENT TO THE BOOKSTORE BIWEEKLY--I'll admit I go to the bookstore a lot less since B&N has had so many preorder sales, but I still go, just not as frequently.
9. OUAT IT WOULD TAKE AGES TO FIND A NEW READ--these days are so hard to remember! Lol. I never had a "TBR" pile before or if I did it was 2-3 books tall. Then the RT Conventions started happening for me, then Borders closed and I went like every week during those sales.
8. OUAT I AVOIDED ROMANCE--I used to not like ANY romance in my books. I guess I started TOO MUCH too soon. Like the books were all about the romance. The plot didn't matter and I thought it meant I just needed to avoid that area of the bookstore. I know better now and can better figure out which books have it as a side element.
7. OUAT I TRIED READING CLASSICS--there was a point in school where I thought I ought to read classics more. That lasted maybe 1 or 2 books, probably just the one. Thankfully YA Paranormal started taking off and all was well!
6. OUAT I USED TO READ CONTEMPORARY--shocking I know! This was loooong before YA Paranormal started. I was desperately wanting the genre but when I couldn't find a book in said genre, I settled for a contemporary book. Usually it was Sarah Dessen.
5. OUAT I USED TO READ MULTIPLE BOOKS--I will say that this was mainly in school When I had to balance like 2 or 3 books for class, I needed to have one of "mine" going to help keep my sanity!
4. OUAT I ONLY WANTED TO READ PARANORMAL--okay, I still do read paranormals, but I've expanded into thrillers, cozy paranormal mysteries, some cozy paranormal romances...there's still paranormal books and elements but some of my thrillers are completely ordinary...not including the psychotic killer.
3. OUAT I SWORE TO NEVER GET AN EREADER--not sure how long that lasted. Really, I received it as a gift, and I'll admit I still don't use it as much, but it is definitely handy for the occasional ARC and getting indie reads!
2. OUAT I USED TO RE-READ A LOT--I said before I didn't use to have a TBR pile, so in those days I re-read...a LOT! It would be ages before I could find a shiny new book to read!
1. NOWADAYS I READ A LOT SLOWER--I guess with the different job changes and be able to actually do more, I don't have as much time read throughout the day. It's sad, but I feel like I accomplish more professional wise. 

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