Oct 7, 2024

Let's Discuss: Spooky Books, Not Movies


So in honor of October, the Spooky month, I wanted to do a little spooky like discussion! Lol.

Spooky Books, Not Movies

I love me a good spooky read! It's a favorite pastime of mine to read spooky books in October, but obviously the last few years I've been doing re-reads of Stephanie Garber's books for her upcoming release which moved to October after a time. Lol. But yes, I love me a good spooky book. One that can totally suck me in and I can immerse myself with the creepy! Honestly, I have never read a book that has truly terrified me to the  point where I am sleeping with the lights on.

Of course, there are things now I don't ever want to do again, like stopping at the "rest stops!" If I am traveling solo, like I do 99.9% of the time, I will always stop at a big fancy gas station to use the restrooms and I make sure there are fast food joints around too and just being "crowded" like. Lol. I can thank Vicki Pettersson for this. LOOOVED her book, but yeah, not stopping at a rest stop ever ever again!

Now on the flipside, while I love me a good creepy book, I will never ever, ever watch a scary movie! I just can't handle them! Lol. I know you're thinking, how is that possible? Or something like that.

Well, the way I try to explain it is that I think when I am reading I can sometimes downgrade the truly scary parts. Perhaps that's why I can't ever be truly terrified by a book. But when it's a movie, I am haunted by it for weeks! If not months!

Visually seeing the horror makes it hard for me to forget it. Even if I watch 100 hundred other movies that I love and laugh at...at night as I try to sleep or when I am home alone, that horrifying movie will creep in. And if it's night time I'm pretty much sleeping with a light on! Or at the very least my TV with cheerful cartoons on. So maybe the sounds of high squeaky voices and obnoxious laughter will infiltrate my dreams other than the spooky things I can't rid my mind of!

But yeah, that's my piece. I love me a good spooky novel, but I will never ever watch a spooky movie! Granted, I do enjoy the super classic horror movies! I'm talking old school, black and white horror movies, like The Creature from the Black Lagoon where it's more of a comedy film these days than a true horror one! That's pretty much the level I can handle! Lol.

What about you? Do you like spooky reads or spooky movies?

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