Oct 14, 2024

Let's Discuss: Cosplaying


Do you ever cosplay? I have found over the years that it just wasn't for me. But lately, mainly with Stephanie Garber's books I have found a certain kind of joy to dressing up like my favorite characters even though I have nowhere to go looking like them! For the most part, I've always read Urban Fantasy books, so if the characters weren't sporting leather pants and halter tops--things I just would not ever wear--they were dressed normally, so it is kind of hard to cosplay characters like that. Then with Fantasy books they always wore extravagant dresses that I just can't afford to buy or have made. So cosplaying has always been a bit harder for me budget wise and just overall ability wise.


Within the last few years, I had been trying to create an Evangeline costume and it finally came together just before ACFTL released! If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen my post that ended up winning one of the prizes for the Pick An Apply for Jacks contest the publisher had!

I had went for Evangeline's "vampire" outfit as I called it from OUABH! Basically what was wearing when Jacks is fighting turning into a vampire! Finding the right wig was the hardest part to be honest! I think I tried two different styles of skirts in two different sizes. The top I found easily enough at Kohls and the gloves and cape were easy to pick as well! Wigs are so hard! Too many of the ones I tried came with bangs styled and they kept drifting into my eyes. I'm not savvy enough to "style" the wig's hair and cut the bangs so that it still looks good. So, you know I buy and return until I find the right one! I think it took me only 3 tries to get the right one! Lol.

And this year, I am spending a pretty penny to fly out to California for Stephanie's Spectacular Holiday party! While I've always wanted to visit California, I'm really only just going for Stephanie's party and then coming home the next day. It's a pricey trip and since I wasn't entirely sure where Stephanie's one event for Spectacular was going to be released, I didn't really have much time to prepare. Initially I thought she was going to tour and I'd go wherever was closest. But since that idea was axed I just had to break into emergency funds for this flight! Prior to the Hurricane, I had thought maybe it'd be in Orlando as I thought that's where Rosie was from or at least that's the event she attended on one of Stephanie's tours, but then that obviously wasn't going to work out either.

So roundabout way of me needing to get back on track to how my next cosplay costume will be for Tella! But since I no longer do Amazon Prime, I have kind of run out of time to do the "buy a wig and return it" thing. Plus I just wasn't feeling the one I did try on and they are really rather expensive. So instead I decided I would let my hair go naturally curly and I will be a brunette version of Tella! Lol. 

I had a nice summer dress that I bought because the coloring made me think of Tella's dress and while it's not a ball gown style, I'm just adding pretty accessories to it to give it the Tella feel and a dash of winter! I'll try to get a picture taken as well somewhere in the night before it gets mangled! Lol.

Have you ever cosplayed? What character would you want to cosplay as if you could have access to all the things costume related?

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