Jun 27, 2024

Books from the Backlog #89


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books!


Last fall, sixteen-year-old Camelia fell for Ben, a new boy at school who had a very mysterious gift – psychometry, the ability to sense the future through touch. But just as Camelia and Ben's romance began to heat up, he abruptly left town. Brokenhearted, Camelia has spent the last few months studying everything she can about psychometry and experiencing strange brushes with premonition. Camelia wonders if Ben's abilities have somehow been transferred to her.

Ben returns to school, but he remains aloof, and Camelia can't get close enough to share her secret with him. Camelia makes the painful decision to let him go and move on. Adam, the hot new guy at Knead, seems good for her in ways Ben wasn't. But when Camelia and Adam start dating, a surprising love triangle results. A chilling sequence of events uncovers secrets from Ben’s past – and Adam's. Someone is lying, and it's up to Camelia to figure out who – before it's too late.




So it took me a few years to realize that Laurie Faria Stolarz had a new series out! I wasn't savvy in my younger days to learn of author's new releases, but to be fair I wasn't really blogging in those times or I had checked the author's site at the time semi regularly and never saw updates so I moved on. Well, I learned during one of my many trips to Half Price Books that Stolarz wrote another series! I started picking up the series one by one as I found them, sometimes during sales on top of the half price already so that was always cool too! Especially when I know that at least one of these was a clearance book too! So that's how Deadly Little Lies came onto my TBR pile and why it's still there is yet another mystery...but not really. Lol. I do want to read it at some point and can happily binge the series!






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