Mar 6, 2014

Follow Friday

This is a weekly blog meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

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1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts and any one else you want to follow on the list
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3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
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This week's question is: Recommend some of your favorite back-list books – books that are at least a few years old (I’m thinking 5-10 years old rather than classics)
MY ANSWER: Oooh this is going to be fun!! Click titles to be taken to Goodreads pages!
 Old Magic by Marianne Curley (2/26/02): simply said it involves magic, curses, time traveling and yes, a bit of romance. But it's not insta love so YAY! This was one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE reads way back in the day pre-Paranormal YA. I re-read this baby a few times because it was just so awesome and was what I was looking for in a read!

Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (2001): This was my first vampire novel. I might have read the first book here, In the Forests of the Night. What I LOVED about this book? Well first the heroine was named Jessica! Totally loved that at 13! She was a writer--and this was a time I already found myself loving to write stories. And of course, the big bad vampire falls in love with her. Our anti-hero shows us some new colors here and I just looooooved that! This was pre-Paranormal YA days people, so remember that if you give this one a try! It's definitely going to have a different "feel" to it.

The Forbidden Game trilogy by L.J. Smith (12/1/97) [read in 2001 or 02 likely]: I read this one in this format as well. I loved, loved, loved this series! Best yet, L.J. says she has a book 4 in the works but might be awhile until it's out. But this one involved a mysterious boy who was in love with a girl. He wanted her. Yeah, it was pretty possessive-like and creepy, but that's what made it sooo good! In the first book alone, he sucks her and her friends inside a game where they must face their worst fears! And not all of them make it out alive! Seriously! ;)
The Mediator series by Jenny Carroll aka Meg Cabot (11/1/00): This series was my shining light! First published in 2000, I probably found it about then or in 2001. This is the cover I have and people, I tell you, this series saved my life! I was dying for Paranormal YA and it wasn't quite out yet and then I found this series and I fell so in love! We have Susannah, a teenage mediator. She can see and talk to ghosts. When her mother moves her to a new house in California, it's beautiful. Only there's one thing...her bedroom is occupied by a dead cowboy ghost. But at least he's hot! ;) This was such an awesome series! I loved it from beginning to end! And at first I thought it was just four books. Then in 2003 I found the fifth one and was when I learned that Jenny was really Meg! Then it was in 2005 that the 6th and somewhat final book came out! And just last year, Meg announced that there will be a BOOK 7!! I am so freaking excited about that one! And all I have is that there will be a 7th book, but I sooo cannot wait til it comes!!! Eep!
Okay, I'll stop there! I can go on and on people! If you want more Paranormal titles, mostly YA ones, I can totally recommend more but don't want my post to get more longer than it already is!