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This week's topic is: Book Series You Don't Want to End!
*in no particular order
by Kim Harrison
This was one of my first adult UF series. So sad to see it coming to an end next year. But as will be a theme here, all good series must come to an end before they just start to be needlessly drawn out.
by Jeaniene Frost
Well this one technically ended already just this year. I was sad to see it end, but I did like the way Jeaniene ended it! Of course if I had me an Ian book, I could die happy! ;)
by Kelley Armstrong
Another series that already ended, but one I was sad to see go. I loved Kelley's series. Loved having different narrators with each book and returning narrators as well. Upside is that there's still novellas and other short stories Kelley's got cooked up, so it's like it's not really over, but is for full length novels.
by Rachel Hawkins
This one's a bit difficult to explain. Word is that the series is on a hold of sorts. Not sure when or if it will be picked up again, but I enjoyed reading about Izzy and hope that we get to return to her world again someday!
by Karen Marie Moning
Another difficult one to explain. While it does seem that the series is over, in a way it's still continuing with Dani's series. Word is now that Dani's series will be combined with Mac's in a sense that we'll hear from more than one narrator. Either way the series continues, so I'm happy. But will be sad when it does come to its final end.