Mar 13, 2014

Random Thursday

Today's post is a sort of rant/whine over beloved series that have been cancelled or are lost in limbo somewhere. A few of these it still remains unclear if they are forever over, or if they are just trapped in limbo, as I said.

Firstly, there's Lia Habel's Gone with the Respiration series. Lia stated on her blog back in October that it was in fact over, for now. The publishers are no longer buying the books and Lia is taking a break from writing. Hopefully one day she will feel inspired and finished Bram and Nora's story.

This one I still have hopes for since it did just come out last year. But thing is, I can't find anything on the second book, and that always makes me nervous. I love that Colleen Gleason is continuing The Gardella Vampire Chronicles, but in a new age!

I'm not entirely sure on the state of Linda Robertson's Persephone Alcmedi series either. Late last year, she did mention that the publishers might not buy more, but she still has more stories for Persephone. Or at least one more book! She was posting chapters on her blog for awhile, but I was waiting for all of them to be up before reading. She might self-publish I think, but there hasn't been word for awhile so it's more worrying on my end!

Wendy Roberts' Ghost Dusters Mystery series is another I'm concerned over! This one did get canceled, but last year, Wendy self-published two more novels in the series. I'm hoping it's just a matter of her writing them and not mentioning it just yet. The last one she wrote ended on a doozie of note and I am anxious to see how it will play out!

Those are all the ones I noted for this post. There are more, but there is some tentative word on when we might expect to see a conclusion to those. That will be a post for another day if they get delayed again!