Mar 30, 2018

Challenges Wrap-up: March

CHALLENGE 1: New Release Challenge

Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody (4/10/18)--Review to come next week!
The Dark Calling by Kresley Cole (2/13/18)
Lake Silence by Anne Bishop (3/6/18) 
Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne (5/1/18)--Review to come
Warlock's Embrace by Alyssa Rose Ivy (4/5/18) 

Not too bad! 5 books read! Nearly all were review books that I was most excited for too!

CHALLENGE 2: Mount TBR Reading Challenge

Feversong by Karen Marie Moning (1/20/17)
Four by Veronica Roth (7/8/14)
Torn by Jennifer L. Armentrout (7/19/16)
Brave by Jennifer L. Armentrout (12/11/17)

4 books done and pretty much wrapping up series too!

CHALLENGE 3: Discussion Challenge

Okay, I am slacking here but this past month was kind of busy! Lots of the weekends were occupied with events and whatnot that were time consuming! Hoping to get back on track in April with this challenge!

CHALLENGE 4: Series Ender Reading Challenge

Feversong by Karen Marie Moning (The Fever Series)
Brave by Jennifer L. Armentrout (The Wicked Trilogy)

So I am saying Feversong ends The Fever Series, but it's more ending with Mac's story. I didn't want to count Four was a series ender since it wasn't technically. It was more of an add on. But still, 2 series is pretty good!