Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"A hand came down on the book, and I...squeaked...and jumped back as far as my arms allowed without giving up the book and losing my place. After all, I did have priorities." p 92
"I loved books, and given a line of credit, I could imagine having to sell my car to feed my book addiction and pay off my bookstore debt." p 94
TITLE: Lake Silence
AUTHOR: Anne Bishop
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: March 6, 2018
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Books That Surprised Me (in a good or bad way)
*in no particular order
10. SCYTHE by Neal Shusterman--I guess I was just surprised with this one overall. I didn't know what to really expect and even though it wasn't as fast as I usually like I still really liked it!
9. THE IRON KING by Julie Kagawa--when trying to remember what books surprised me, I looked through my archives and found a post with said surprising books! Lol! This one was a happy surprise as it was one I won! Faerie books can always be hard to get an idea of if I'll like it or not but I LOVED this one!
8. DEMONS NOT INCLUDED by Cheyenne McCray--I was initially hesitant over this one because I thought it was more romance focused, but I was happily surprised to find it was more action focused with some romance on the side!
7. VAMPIRE ACADEMY by Richelle Mead--I remember being hesitant to pick this one up because I thought it was going to be overly dramatic about this and that. I had some bad experiences with the last few YA books I read before I started reading adult (before there were any real amount of Paranormal YA to read!) but my friends on a discussion board back then told me I HAD to read it. And I did. And I was sooo surprised by how freaking amazing it was!!
6. SOULLESS by Gail Carriger--this was likely my first steampunk/historical setting type book and I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it. I was happily surprised to find that I LOVED it! It was so awesome and funny and entertaining!
5. SUCCUBUS BLUES by Richelle Mead--I was surprised to find that I really really enjoyed this one! Naturally, when dealing with a succubus, I thought this book was going to have too much sex for my liking. I was again, surprised to find that it wasn't so romance focused at all! And omg, I LOVED this series so much!! So it was yet another happy surprise!
4. INTERTWINED by Gena Showalter--yes this was another surprising read! Having read practically all girl point of views since ever (excluding Harry Potter of course) I was a little worried about reading from a boy's point of view way back then. But OMG! I LOVED this series!! It basically opened the door to reading from the male pov. I was devastated...so utterly, UTTERLY devastated that this series was canceled and that even the author felt so disconnected from it that the 4th book was scrapped practically from the time the third book released. I will never know what happened to Aiden and his friends and the souls that lived within him. *sobs
3. THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski--I can't remember what held me back from reading this one right away. I guess I wasn't sure if it was for me or not. But then I read some reviews and just plunged into reading it and oh wow! I was totally surprised by a lot of things! Naturally, I came to love this series!
2. AS OLD AS TIME by Liz Braswell--I was totally surprised by this one! Since I was kind of let down by her first two Twisted Tales, I wasn't sure how she would handle this one. I decided to give it that rare third chance since it was Beauty and the Beast we were talking about and was thrilled to discover that this was an amazing me!
1. CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber--I had heard sooooo much hype for this book long before it came out. And when there's that much hype, I am always a little hesitant about reading said book. Even if I am a little excited about the premise, I am usually still hesitant too because EVERYONE is raving about it and I hadn't even heard of it yet! Lol! But I was thrilled to learn that the raving and excitement was warranted! This book was incredible!