Mar 31, 2018

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.

I was thinking this would be a week of pretty much nothing...but totally turned out to be filled with quite a lot!! Lol! Though two of them were the Apollycon books that I ordered! I plan to actually attend this con one of these years!

Here's what I bought:

Sinister Shadows by Colleen Gleason--a .99 steal that I couldn't pass up! I still need to start the series though! And it turns out I have at least the first book under it's original title! If my Goodreads "want to read/TBR pile" is to be believed! Lol!
Danger's Halo by Amanda Carlson--a freebie read! I had to pass on reviewing it at the time because I wasn't sure if it was one I would like, and I was probably consumed with something at the time as well. But I can't say no to an Amazon freebie steal!
The Prophecy by Jennifer L. Armentrout--SIGNED!! Cannot wait to finally start this series!! Hoping to read it soonish...I'm thinking possibly May!
Moonlight Sins by Jennifer L. Armentrout--SIGNED! This is a keeper copy since I read the ARC! But I can never pass up getting a signed JLA book!! Lol!

Then I finally got the prize set of ARCs I won from Storygramtours and Fierce Reads! Cannot wait to read Mary's book!!

The Way You Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo (ARC)
Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson (ARC)
Daughter of the Siren Queen by Tricia Levenseller
The Outcast by Taran Matharu (ARC)

PLUS! I got the super cool tote that has conversation bubbles on the back for "my favorite authors" to sign and "say" something! So cool!!

THANK YOU Fierce Reads & Storygramtours!

And then, if you didn't already know it, My name is Jessica and I am a book sleeve-aholic!

Both of these beauties came from Fandom Sleeves which is one of  my most favorite shops for book sleeves! This week's additions are a gorgeous purple/blue constellation map like print! It's so pretty! It's glittery too, which has resulted in a bit of a mess on my bedding, but hopefully I shook off all the loose bits! Lol!
The next one is a Six of Crows print that is amazing! I bought it in the mass market paperback size as I shockingly don't have any of those! So one was necessary. One. Yup. Any bets on for how long that lasts? Lol!!

Then I went to Hot Topic on Thursday (so proceeds would go to charity) and I had to buy a ScoobyNatural shirt! If you know me, I am a HUGE Supernatural fan! Have been since day 1!! I am also a Scooby Doo fan and have been since I was a kid and watched the reruns with my grandpa while growing up! Though I haven't seen many of the "newer" versions, I was and am still a fan of all the original ones! So this crossover was something I had been dreaming of for ages! The whole reason I started watching Supernatural wayyyy back in 2005 was that it had a great name, naturally! and that it reminded me of Scooby Doo! Except the monsters were real and there was no talking dog, sadly. But the show soon revealed all its other perks to make up for that! And Cas came along in season 4 so it wasn't too long before it was more Scooby-ish!

Sadly the shirt wasn't available in my first size choice. There was 1 and only 1 and it was a touch smaller than what I would prefer, but I figure I'll wash it in cold water and stretch it massively before wearing it and it should be fine. Plus I am checking the website constantly for a restock! Fingers crossed! Lol!

And that my friends was my awesome haul for the week! I was very, very pleased with myself! Lol! What did you all get?