Mar 24, 2018

Behind the Screen: A Book Blogger Tag

So this was a tag/post I've saved for when I found time to actually do it! Lol! I saw it over at It Starts at Midnight but was actually created by Amber at Du Livre, as well as this image being hers too! It sounded like fun and I thought, why not?!

When did you first start blogging and what was your first review?

I first started blogging on January 29, 2009. I've told this story in some fashion numerous times already but to reiterate, I am a HUGE FAN of Rachel Vincent's books! Her first series, Werecats series was a favorite of mine! I was on The Pride, which was the fan discussion board and this is where I spent a lot of my time for those early years. Then Rachel mentioned a contest, one in which the winner would win an ARC of Prey, the next novel in the series. You basically got entry points for everywhere you posted a review of her book. I posted to Amazon, I posted to Borders--because yes, my beloved was still alive at the time, and I was trying to figure out more post points because I WANTED THAT ARC! Among Rachel's examples was writing a blog post/review, so I thought why not? I can do that! So I headed over to Blogger which was the easier free platform for blogging and went about the process of creating a blog. When it came to choosing the title, aka, like the first step, I thought a GREAT read sounded about right because that's what I thought Pride was. It was a GREAT read! Emphasis on the little "a" capital "GREAT" and little "read". 

Suffice to say that I didn't win the contest sadly. But I thought why not keep the blog. It could be fun! Mind you that there wasn't a lot of people out there in 2009. Seriously, last year I just cleaned out all the blogs listed on my "following" page and to have deleted like 1/3 of them because all those bloggers I followed since the very beginning had left. Basically...I had NO IDEA what I was doing! There wasn't a lot of people to follow so I didn't have a lot of blogs to check out and see how I would want to run my own. 

I warn you, the review I have linked scary. I mean...I haven't looked back at this in ages because when I did...woooohooooo boy, it was scary!! You've been warned! ;)

Who/what inspired you to start blogging? one I guess? As I mentioned above my blog came into creation because I was trying to get more contest entry points. I thought a blog would be the easiest to do out of the offered selections and after I lost the contest I just kept the blog up and running because why not? It was fun to have a place to talk about the book I read...even if no one was really reading said posts!

What is a blog-related goal that you have?

Really, to just always have fun with it! I like blogging that's why I've kept at it for almost 10 years now. Yeah, I'm not a widely known blogger or anything. I rarely get ARCs despite being at this for a decade and while I do still get ARC envy I know the book will be out eventually and I then turn to one of the currently) 300+ books I am DYING to read that I already own! So really, my goal is to always have fun with said blog no matter how few hits/views I may get.

What is one thing you wish someone had told you about blogging?

Well one thing in the heck do you create/design your own blog? I have zero tech skills when it comes to such things. I was extremely lucky to have won this design that I have up currently a few years ago and I've never changed it because I have no idea how! Lol! Plus I still like it!

I guess another is...what the heck do I need to have in my Edelweiss profile that will make publishers approve one of my requests instead of rejecting it? It's sooo frustrating, because if said book makes it over to Netgalley, I request there and almost always get approved for it there instead. It's straight up weird!

What was your biggest blog-related accomplishment?

Besides gaining followers which seriously amazed me with every single one...I think it was when I first saw my name inside a book being quoted from a previous review!

The book I was quoted in was the paperback version of Gena Showalter's Alice in Zombieland, the book I was quoted for Twisted!! (still experiencing the worse heartbreak ever that the series will never ever be finished!)

What type of posts do you enjoy writing?

I'm guessing we need to say something other than reviews here? It's these posts that I always struggle with for some reason! Lol! Though I do get enjoyment out of my Random Thursday posts where I share truly random pieces of knowledge I read about from some source or another! They can be fun!

Where do you usually blog? What does your setup look like?

I blog at my desk in my place special.

And I may have had to clear off some of the junk I keep meaning to put away somewhere but haven't done just yet. And no, after moving it off for the picture I put it right back where it was. Though to be fair, one is my RedBox movie I need to return plus a mini grocery list and then there's my reminder/coupon to get my eyes examined next weekend! So that's staying out for the foreseeable future!

What was your last five-star read?

That would be the book I finished just yesterday, Torn by Jennifer L. Armentrout! I swear I think I've given all her books 5 stars! No surprise there!

What was your last 1-star read?

I first thought I never did a 1-star rating but when I went over to Goodreads and checked--also noticing oh-wow-did-I-forget-to-post-some-reviews-last-year-(and-2015)--I ended up giving three books 1.5-star ratings. Ironically all were read in yeah, not a good year for me there I guess! Lol! Those books were:

Clicking the covers should take you to the review on Goodreads--should you want to read them, which is basically the same review I post on my blog! 

Upside is I've learned to choose books that I know I will like. Generally the books I pick for myself tend to be 4-5 stars, books I might take a chance on can be anywhere from 3-5 stars. Though last year I did have one that was very upsetting but I ended up giving 2.5 stars, so it wasn't quite a 1-star!

What are three words that make you pick up a book?

* magical
* paranormal terms: vampire, ghost, demon, get the idea!
* mystery

What is your Hogwarts House?


That's where Pottermore sorted me. Never would've guessed it myself!

What is your favorite reading environment?

I like reading in my bed. It's comfy cozy and I have Daemon looking out for me! Lol!

Really, I can read anywhere! As long as I can be in a somewhat comfortable position to sit still for hours on end and preferably have some peace and quiet!

What advice would you give to new bloggers?

Honestly? Have fun with it! Do what you want the way you want and don't worry about your follower numbers or numbers in general. We're readers after all. I always think of blogging as a hobby, something to do alongside my reading hobby. It should never ever feel like a chore, an obligation, or a job. It should always and forever be fun!

And that's it! If you like this post idea consider yourself tagged!

And since this was somewhat discussion like, I am counting it for my Discussion Challenge as well! Oh yeah! I got 2 done this month! Lol!