This week was kind of a mess. I guess the whole losing an hour to start it out, prior to that I had a verrrrrrry loooooong road trip day and I guess I never really recup'd well. It was tiring, things were just meh and the days just dragged since they were looooooonger.
But I did get some good books out of it! Better yet that I didn't add too much to the TBR pile because I already read one of them! It was a 600+ page book of awesomeness!!
Here's what I bought:
Scooby Apocalypse #23 by Keith Giffen, Scott Kolins, J.M. Dematteis
Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff--SIGNED!!
Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi--SIGNED!! I had wanted to go up to Anderson's sooo badly to meet her in person, but I had decided against it otherwise I'd have to use a vacation day to get up there in time and then drive all night long to get back home. (so instead I basically did all that the next day to meet Karen Marie Moning in Kentucky. Yeah. I'm weird! But it didn't cost me a vacation day!)
Four of a Kind by Kate Kessler--somehow missed that this released last week! I had it down as this week! Still need to start this series too!
Then I also bought yet another book sleeve--the addiction is strong you guys!! So strong!!! But it GLOWS IN THE DARK!!! Lol!
This beauty came from StoryHero on Etsy! It's my second one from Becky's shop! I now have the standard size and large size!!
And that was my week! What did you all get?