Nov 10, 2022

Books from the Backlog #4


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books!


Kaitlyn Fairchild has always felt like an outsider. Her haunting eyes and prophetic drawings have earned her a reputation as a witch. But Kait's not a witch: she's psychic. Tired of being shunned, Kait accepts an invitation to attend the Zetes Institute, where she can study with other psychic teens and have a fresh start.

As Kaitlyn learns to hone her abilities with four other gifted students, she starts to discover the intensity of her power - and the joy of having true friends. But those friendships quickly become complicated when Kait finds herself torn between two irresistible guys. Rob is a healer - kind and gentle, he's surrounded by good energy, while Gabriel is aggressive and mysterious - a telepath concealing his true nature. Together, Rob and Gabriel's opposing forces start to threaten the group's stability, and when an experiment traps the five teens in a psychic link - a link that threatens their sanity and their lives - Kaitlyn must decide who to trust and who to love...


Next up on my Goodreads list that wasn't directly related to another series I previous mentioned on this meme, is Dark Visions by L.J. Smith! Yup, another Smith Compilation! If I am remembering correctly I found these two Smith books around the same time, if not at the exact same store! I've a TJ Maxx and Marshalls right next to each other nearby and I use to always peruse the book section, because BOOKS! And this might have been one of those rare first and last times I found quite the mega haul of these Smith books and Rachel Hawkins' Hex Hall--which I have read and loved! Having loved two other series of Smith, I decided I would like to read a few more...but just haven't gotten around to them yet. This is one I hope to read some day...I still feel like every TBR book I have is one I want to read. If I put it there, I want to read it! The only time I might pass is if it was a book box one or one I received as a gift that I thought "maybe someday" and just realize that someday isn't going to happen!





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