This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Do you post every day on your blog and/or social media? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)
MY ANSWER: I would say just about every day! On my blog, most definitely almost every day! I post memes 6 days a week for sure with reviews and other random posts coming up just periodically or so. Those are never really scheduled in advance unless it's an ARC review. Otherwise, everyday books that are already out in the world I just post usually the next day upon my finishing it! Usually because I finish it in the evening or so and I'd rather my review be up top on my blog posts the next day so it's fresh and visible! LOL.
Social media wise, I probably just post Monday-Friday on Instagram. I don't really post too much on weekends unless something random happens and I feel like capturing it. None of my "bookstagram" type posts, usually because I am always in need of those and would rather just post during the week because I find I don't really look too much at social media on weekends...I mean I do, but I check more randomly during the week, especially when I'm slow at work. Shhh, don't tell! ;)
With Twitter I'm even more irregular. Besides a few daily contest entries I don't really post frequently on that one. Mainly when I just need to rant and don't have a physical person I can rant to and I just shout it out into the void! Lol. Every blue moon something funny will occur to me and I will just post for my own laughs as not everyone sees it. Good old algorithms at work there!