Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.
The week once again went by without much to note. I did have a book signing on Wednesday and got to meet Hannah Whitten! It was a LOT of fun! I conversed with other readers and just had a blast! I am a very shy and quiet person when you put me into most social situations, but at the smaller book signings where you can fit the group into a decent sized room, I can usually find someone to talk to if even for a few minutes! I talked for close to half an hour this time around and as you can imagine, I was socialized out after that! Lol. Other than that really the week was pretty mundane, which in itself is nice. I spent about 2 hours at my storage unit yesterday digging for books for my Marie Lu signing later this month. I found the ones I wanted...which were allllll the way at the back of the unit buried behind 30 or so boxes of books and a few other odds and ends. I didn't find the book the I thought I maybe might have by the author as I realized I totally forgot to add her last book to my inventory, which I clearly had! Lol. So I'm going to say I didn't have the book I thought I may or may not have since I couldn't find it. I found two boxes marked Lu and then I found my international storage totes (at the back!) and got my UK copies so I should have everything I need for the 30th!
Here's what I got this week!
Conquer the Kingdom by Jennifer Estep
A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley--a recent impulse add! I read a review of this one and it sounded so cute and so entertaining that I added it to my wishlist, but I ended up buying it when Target was having their Circle Members sale and you could save 20% off ALL books! So yeah, I made myself an order! Lol!
Episode Thirteen by Craig DiLouie--my second of 3 Target books I ordered! The other was the preorder of Cherish in its Target edition...2 down, 2 to go!
The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten--SIGNED! I forgot to take the picture of the signed page and when I sat down to write this I was just too worn out to do so! Lol. I went with the standard edition despite liking the B&N one too! I have the FL one coming and couldn't bring myself to buy 3 copies just now. I was on a recent Garber spending spree, hence my holding back! Lol!
For review:
Three Drops of Blood by Gretchen McNeil--my copy from the publisher seems to be taking a detour or something as it's been 2 weeks and it hasn't arrived. So I had to start reading the ebook for my tour stop. I am enjoying it but I just read so much slower on my kindle, it's a mystery I have not been able to figure out. I have a theory, but that's all! Lol.
THANK YOU Rockstar Book Tours!
Then my Fairy Loot YA Book Only arrived. I find myself debating about trying to switch back to the box. I know I was always fornlorn when the items weren't of my fandom and were just kind of useless to me. But lately I've been hunting for specific ones on Mercari and such that I find myself debating if I should try to go on the waitlist...if I cancel my Adult one, which I have been considering I could "save" money that way. I'm still debating what to do.
This book sounded interesting enough that I decided why not?! Lol. I feel more willing to try the YA books than the adult ones these days. I've always been pickier with my adult fantasies because I don't like the ones that seem overly complicated or I guess are more "high fantasy."
Then I did more bookish merch shopping and acquired these items from various places!
So these are from Iridescent Fairytale! I was just going to order the print, but then I saw the gorgeous foiling on the book cover and just thought, why not?! So I will of course need to get the third one from here as well when that one comes around! These are so pretty and I do have those extra UK copies, and these dust jackets are made to fit both, so it's a win-win really!
So here is one of the Fairy Loot items I kind of liked and wish I had the full box at the time! It's a OUABH mini book tote! I thought it was SO cute and I would love to put a set of my Garber books in it! I got it reasonably priced too as I feel like I've been on pins and needles waiting for Fairy Loot's next shop sale announcement.I usually judge by what I am willing to pay, this was $9 before shipping, which was also reasonable, so I figure FL probably would've have it for around that or so. I was happy with the price at least!
And that was it for me this week! Not too bad all things considered! What did you get?