From bestselling author Christine Warren comes a thrilling new series about a young woman caught between a rock and a hard place—between gargoyles and demons…
Ella Harrow is trying to carve out a normal life for herself. Well, as normal as an art geek with psychic abilities can hope for. As museum docent and gift-shop manager, Ella is able to keep her distance from people—and her powers in check—while surrounding herself with the artifacts she loves. But how on earth is she supposed to act normal when a thousand-year-old statue on the museum's terrace suddenly comes to life?
Heart of Stone
Not your ordinary gargoyle, Kees has been asleep for eons, waiting for a portent of evil to wake him from his slumber. Kees isn't a vision; he's a bat-winged guardian created to protect the world from the seven demons of the Dark. Somehow, Ella triggered his reawakening. Maybe the demons have been unleashed? Maybe his heart is finally ready to be chiseled open? The fate of the world isn't carved in stone…yet.
So when Christine Warren started a new gargoyle series in January of 2014, I was all for reading it! I bought Heart of Stone right away...but then, I got into that mindset of maybe I shouldn't buy the rest until I read the first book, but I realized later on what a terrible mistake that was because the books are not in print anymore and the ebooks are outrageously priced for what was once an $8 paperback. I've managed to track down a few of the copies I need and I just need to go ahead and buy the last one. I was hoping to find them in stores so I could examine them since I have to buy used anyway. But after many HPB trips, I've had no luck so I keep telling myself to just order them online. Hopefully I will by the time this post goes live...but who knows!
Also, as a side note, how cool is it that my 23 post of this meme landed on March 23, 2023?!