Mar 1, 2023

Challenges Monthly Wrap-up: February

CHALLENGE 1: 2023 Series Enders Reading Challenge

For the Throne by Hannah Whitten (For the Wolf)

Only one completed this month, but I'm still doing pretty good with my challenge as that makes 3/5 series completed! I may have to up my number after all!

CHALLENGE 2: 2023 Discussion Challenge

Book Signing Preparations
The Anti-Valentines Book Tag (Belated)
Remembering Books

Three discussions done this month! I'll admit, I lost a bit of steam after a rockin January! Right now I am at 8/15 so I'm already halfway there! I might up this one too at some point!

CHALLENGE 3: 2023 New Release Challenge

Pieces of Me by Kate McLaughlin (ARC)--review to come at a later date

Okay, only 1 read, I'm actually not too disappointed that I've only read 2 2023 books! My TBR pile needs some love, but I've some new release ARCs lined up so soon I will be back to 2023 reads and all will be well!

CHALLENGE 4: The Backlist Reader Challenge 2023

Finlay Donovan is Killing it by Elle Cosimano (2/2/21)
Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead by Elle Cosimano (2/1/22)
For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten (6/1/21)
For the Throne by Hannah Whitten (6/7/22)

Doing really good here! I am already halfway through my challenge with 10/20 done! I might up this one as well...but since I think the months will soon turn to all new releases this one might not change much!

All in all, I feel like I am doing pretty good! How are you doing on your challenges?