Aug 14, 2011

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly blog post hosted by Kirsti over at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

Another slow week sorta. Didn't do too bad, it wasn't a major release week for me anyway. Been going to Borders every now and then checking out the sales and waiting for them to get a little better before buying other books like crazy!

So here's what I bought this week:

All right my first purchase this week wasn't a book, but book related! It was a black t-shirt with this screen-printed nametag with Inigo Montoya's most famous quote. Yes, I use one of his less famous ones on Wednesdays but this one I had to buy because I loved it! And try to remember The Princess Bride was a book before a movie, so this is definitely book related!

Then I got some Starcrossed swag from Josephine herself! I honestly can't remember what contest this was from. I vaguely recall remembering winning swag, but since I likely just checked the blog, I don't know which contest it was from.

So naturally after getting that in the mail, I went out and bought this:

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

As well as:

Another Kind of Dead by Kelly Meding

Then for review I got:

Legend of Witchtrot Road by E.J. Stevens

My last fun item I bought were these little magnetic bookmarks that tab your page. They're even monogrammed! Saw them at Borders and was super surprised to find my initial! I even found initials for my whole family plus one of my BFFs! My first purchase going towards Xmas presents!

And that was my mailbox this week! Might be quiet on that front for awhile since I don't have new releases for another 2 weeks!