Jun 23, 2014

Random Giveaway!

So as I said in my STS post, while I was at RT this year, the beloved Goodie Room--a magical room filled with ARCs or recently released books, a pretty wide variety actually--had copies of The Beautiful Ashes! But as we all soon learned, these were like the first draft of the book! Jeaniene was pretty embarrassed, because they were quite literally her first draft of them, the pubs put them together super quick for RT, which was nice and all, but still. 

So she said if you wanted to have a better edited ARC to turn them into her and she'd send them to the pubs and get the edited ARC and send them back out to us! Which was SUPER nice! I wasn't even really expecting to get 2 back really, I had grabbed an extra to giveaway. And lo and behold...this weekend I got 2 ARCs in the mail!


I'll make it a really simple giveaway, but sadly I will have to make it open to US followers ONLY! Terribly sorry, but I am getting close to 1600 followers and that will open up an international giveaway! As soon as I hit the magic number there'll be a contest! 

Simple rafflecopter form below, you know what to do!

a Rafflecopter giveaway