Binge Reading
The Positives:
- No waiting between books!
- No faulty memory issues between books
- Enjoy the series/story straight through
The Negatives:
- Having to wait for all the books to be out
- Subjecting yourself to possibly spoilers because of that waiting
- Missing out on a series everyone might be talking about
That's about the gist of it for me! In the long run, I think binge reading is a great idea! I just don't always get to engage in it because I occasionally get to review the first book or whatever and of course I want to read it asap! This has happened a lot with duologies for me lately! I received the first book to review but was denied the second book. So basically I suffered because of all that waiting I was forced to do! And even now that a few of those duologies have released, I still haven't read them because of time constraints!
I rather think binge reading is an excellent idea. Though I know it could possibly hurt the author by not having reviews out, I'm one to buy the books as they release, I just don't read them at that time. I'd rather binge read a series any day because then my poor addled mind wouldn't struggle to remember things from a year or likely MORE than a year ago! Lol.
How do you feel about binge reading? Do you do it? Like it?