Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"It could drive you nuts, searching for someone in LA, and that's why people here are so miserable. It's f***ing hard to find things. Fame. Love. Parking spots. Cheap gas. Good inexpensive headshots. An agent. A manager. A happy hour where the nachos don't suck. A tall blond con artist named Amy." p 65-66
TITLE: Hidden Bodies
AUTHOR: Caroline Kepnes
PUBLISHER: Atria/Emily Bestler Books
GENRE: Thriller/Mystery
RELEASE DATE: January 14, 2016
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
*in no particular order
**including a mix of older titles and 2018 titles going as far back as the beginning of the year! And this will just be based on what I've seen from the blogs I follow! Perhaps on some other blogs that I don't know about they were all over these books. I just don't know!
10. TIGER'S DREAM by Colleen Houck--this one released earlier this year, and yet, I don't recall seeing many reviews on it! It was the book we were all waiting for! Kishan's book! I admit, it's intimidating for some at over 800+ pages and there were parts that I felt dragged a bit, but it was still an incredibly amazing read that I ended up giving 4.5/5 stars!
9. BEAST: A TALE OF LOVE AND REVENGE by Lisa Jensen--I thought this was a most magical retelling of The Beauty and the Beast. I didn't see too many reviews on it and the few that I glimpsed were ones who were unhappy with it. I'll admit that there were parts that were hard to read through, yet it's still one of those reads I really enjoyed overall and gave it 5 stars! It's lyrically stunning!
8. PART OF YOUR WORLD by Liz Braswell--as I write this, it still has a few days until its release, but I have seen virtually nothing about it anywhere! I know a lot of us struggled with Liz's first two books, though I think she finally got me liking the books with her Beauty and the Beast twist! This one was equally impressive and I hope that I will see more hype and love for it in the days to come!
7. THE PRINCE by Jennifer L. Armentrout--yes, there was a whole big release blitz over this one but other than that I feel like I really haven't seen much of this one around either! It's a novella that continues the story of Wicked in novella form and there's going to be another installment next year! Yes! This one was soooo amazingly good and I can't believe I have yet to see it anywhere besides the blog tour posts!
6. THE DARK CALLING by Kresley Cole--this one released earlier this year and continues the Arcana Chronicles story. It was amazing! I feel like this series is hit or miss for people. I struggled with the first book, mostly because we had no idea what was going on regarding the game and all the characters and everything. Now that we've gotten through that, I feel like the story has really gotten good! And yet, I rarely see this series talked about.
5. NEVERWAKE by Amy Plum--this one released just last month, and I don't recall ever seeing a review for it anywhere! As I write this post, I'm reading it now and enjoying it! It's creepy and mysterious and I am eager to see where things go and end!
4. REMEMBRANCE by Meg Cabot--okay, this one is older, from last year and yet no one seems to talk about it anymore! I know the original YA series is even older, but guys this is like Veronica Mars meets Ghost Whisperer! Or sort of Ghost Whisperer, ironically I couldn't get into that show that much! This is a series I HIGHLY recommend if you like Veronica Mars and ghostly happenings!
3. TWISTED by Gena Showalter--I will be going to my grave lamenting the loss of this series! True story. I still don't understand what happened. Was it too much before its time?! I mean I thought it came out right when paranormal YA was hot! And yet, something happened and the sales went down and the publishers decided we were not going to get that final book and now it seems Gena has even lost her love for it for there is no finale coming! Yet this series was soooo amazing you guys! Vampires, ghosts, werewolves...it had it all!!!
2. THE DARKEST MAGIC by Morgan Rhodes--this is basically the "you make me cry" tier of the post! Yet another cancelled series, but since it's most recent in its cancellation I am still holding out on hope that we can boost up the sales and interest for this one and that a final book can happen! I get sales and numbers are important, I do. But don't publishers care about the SANITY of their readers? This one was a prequel of sorts to the Falling Kingdoms series, in part, as the other part was modern-day Toronto and basically having the two worlds collide on a regular basis! It had some similarities with the Falling Kingdoms series, the traits that we all came to love with the characters plus action, romance, and an intriguing and thick storyline that NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED!!!
1. ECHOES by Alice Reeds--another new release from last month that I am not seeing too much around lately. This cannot happen again! I cannot fall in love with a book that was meant to have more to its series! It was a fantastic read that blends LOST and a thicker mystery plot! One involving twists and turns and deceptions and of course a budding romance! I have yet to learn if there's already a sequel in store, but THERE NEEDS TO BE!!!! I am seriously riding the brink of insanity with all these cancelled series! Why does this keep happening to me?!