Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"'They climb!' I scream, as the insects reach my bed and begin scaling the metal posts. They pour across the mattress and swarm over my feet, moving up my bare legs, scratching my skin as they surge up my shorts, under my shirt, up my neck. I cup my hands together and seal them over my nose and mouth, squeezing my eyes shut." p 27
TITLE: Neverwake
AUTHOR: Amy Plum
GENRE: YA Horror
RELEASE DATE: August 7, 2018
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Bingeworthy TV Shows/Movies
*in no particular order
10. THE 100--well technically this is a "winter" show, but it's still plenty bingeworthy! Though I kind of missed bits of the last season so I'll be happy when I can rewatch and binge it for real next year!
9. GOTHAM--this is a really cool show! Sad that it's likely ending this year because it's now being turned into a "winter" show if Fox is to be believed. Guess time will tell!
8. iZOMBIE--another "winter" show but still incredible! Fans of Veronica Mars will love this show by Rob Thomas as a lot of Veronica Mars cast members make appearances! Plus, how cool is it watching a zombie girl trying to get by in life while keeping her secret safe and trying to find a cure for herself?
7. THE BIG BANG THEORY--this is an entertaining show, but despite that I have felt like the last few seasons were kind of lacking the same kind of humor. Though I still watch it! That being said I have high expectations for things I want to see in this final season and I hope the writers make it happen!
6. YOUNG SHELDON--pretty much just started watching this one on a whim! It's kind of funny seeing Sheldon as a kid! I hope Jim Parsons continues to narrate it!
5. MIDNIGHT, TEXAS--really glad this show of Charlaine's is on regular television! True Blood just had way too much sex in it for me. The first season of this one did pretty well with staying true to the book from what I can recall. I haven't read the second book yet, so I can't say if we're headed in the right direction or not!
4. MOM--this is another sitcom that I think is rather entertaining! It's got some good storylines going for it too!
3. SUPERSTORE--I was a fan of Ugly Betty so I was happy to see America Ferrera doing another show! Unless I totally missed something else! I find this show to be hilarious!
2. THE GOOD PLACE--being a Kirsten Bell fan I decided to give this one a go! Plus Ted Danson--he was always my favorite in Three Men and a Baby! This show got seriously twisted and I LOVE IT! Though I am in need of a binge recap of it because I can't remember what happened in the season finale last go around!
1. SUPERNATURAL--what other show would hold my #1 spot, because let's face it, while my picks are never in any particular order, #1 does usually tend to be my #1 favorite of the given topic! LOL! I've been a fan of this show since day 1! I am pretty sure I didn't even have DVR when the show started, so I was staying up however late it was to watch it commercials and all and oh wow, I was addicted from the getgo! It was my constant prayer that this show would make it...hello season 14!!!
For my bonus pick I am picking one new show I want to check out. I can't quite say, "looking forward to" as it's sort of a reboot. Well it is a reboot, but it's supposed to be more like the book series it was initially based off of, so in a way it's sort of like a new show! If only I could remember the book series (in the details) now....
ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO--whoa! That sheriff is no William Sadler! Can't wait to see how this show does, because...yeah...I'm curious about it! The book series, as you can guess, was pretty different from the TV show that we initially got and this new one is supposed to be more "like" it. I mean, the heroine is an alien herself who will meet the extraterrestrial version of the word!