Sep 18, 2018

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE 
4. Name the title, author, etc.

FINALLY reading this one!!!

"'My bird can drive her beak straight through your neck and into your artery in less time than it takes for you to draw a weapon, and she already dislikes you intensely. If I were you, I'd do my best not to antagonize her any further,' Lorelai said." p 175

TITLE: The Shadow Queen
AUTHOR:  C.J. Redwine
PUBLISHER: Balzer & Bray
GENRE: YA Fairytale Retellings
RELEASE DATE: February 16, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week's topic is: Books On My Fall 2018 TBR

*in no particular order
**I'm writing this post in advance, so there's a slim chance that I might have gotten to one or two of these titles! We can only hope! But it's unlikely...LOL! 

10. ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI by Kerri Maniscalco--today today today! It's releasing TODAY!!!!
9. PHANTOM WHEEL by Tracy Deebs--one from one of my latest trades! I was super excited Tracy was writing something again!
8. WHAT YOU HIDE by Natalie D. Richards--I really liked One Was Lost, yet her last book We All Fall Down was kinda meh. Hopefully this one goes back to awesome!

7. THE SHADOW QUEEN by C.J. Redwine--I hope to possibly read the series to date in time for my trip to The Origin Event so I know what's what when I get to meet C.J.!
6. DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES by C.C. Hunter--another Origin Event book I'd like to read in time!
5. THE RETURN by Jennifer L. Armentrout--I might be a bit ambitious thinking I can get this entire series read for the event because yes, I am THAT behind on it!

4. THE GREAT HUNT by Wendy Higgins--yet another Origin Event read I'd like to try to have completed in time, but since this and my Titan series are all signed, I am not "too" concerned with it, though I'd still like to try to read it!
3. WELCOME TO THE DARK HOUSE by Laurie Faria Stolarz--I'd also like to sneak in one spooky read for the month of Halloween! This series has been in my TBR pile for way too long!
2. A CURSE SO DARK AND LONELY by Brigid Kemmerer--one of my highly anticipated 2019 reads and I'd like to maybe try to read it soon, but it likely will be closer to November before I'll even look at my 2019 ARCs that are slowly forming a pile!

1. SHADES OF WICKED by Jeaniene Frost--SOOOOOOO looking forward to this one! Pretty much have been dying to get to know Ian since he stepped onto the page in One Foot in the Grave and then more so when her spinoff series started with Spade's book! It's been a long time coming and I know he'll be worth the wait!!