Sep 23, 2018

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.

This was a most strenuous week! But thankfully the training is done and my "trainer" is gone for a few weeks. There's word that they'll be back next month already and I'm just like really? It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't constantly SHOUT when it comes to talking on their phone! Every time they were on the phone it was on hence all the shouting instead of just holding the freaking phone while they SAT there. *eyeroll*

Book-wise things quiet. So are we saying yay? I had to miss out on driving to Nashville for a book signing because according to my weather sources it would be raining all day. I hate driving in the rain. Add long distance driving to that and you have a really stressed out, unhappy camper on your hands! So basically didn't do much of anything this weekend.

But anyway here's what I bought this week:

The Detective Wins the Witch by Kristen Painter--still behind in this series but decided I better get this one while it was on my mind! I have two more to read before I can read this one! Though it's not necessary to read them in order, I always do anyway! LOL!
Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco--the B&N edition!!
Soulless by Gail Carriger--the special illustrated edition! I couldn't resist adding one more copy of this awesome series to my collection! Mostly because ILLUSTRATIONS! Lol! Jensine Eckwall is one talented artist!

For review from the author I received:

Taken by Alyssa Rose Ivy (ARC)--already read, reviewed, and loved!


Then I received some of my preorder swag, plus other goodies:

Zero Repeat Forever swag from Gabrielle Prendergast! She had offered up some swag to the first 10 US people to respond and I was one of them! YAY!
THANK YOU Gabrielle!

I also received a postcard from Lisa Maxwell because I signed up to receive goodies! Lol! Reminds me that I need to read the first book in her Last Magician series!


Then here is my actual preorder swag from Sarah Henning! I still need to read this beauty but hope to soon! Fingers crossed!

Then in a swagfortrade trade I received:
a Frostblood magnet
and a mini postercard of the oh so famous and lovable quote from ACOMAF!!

THANK YOU Jackie!!

And that was my week! One of my rarely done eBay purchases didn't arrive as promised, so I'm stressing and miffed about that! And hopefully on Monday, the book I was hoping to get yesterday will arrive as well! So next week is already shaping up to be a pretty good one! *if we don't look at all that I will have to do again at work for it being the end of the month!

What did you all get this week?