This was kind of a quiet week for wise! Things in real life are still pretty chaotic. I'll be stressing out when I get back to work on Tuesday and try to figure out the billing for the first time ever really and I'm not 100% certain I'll have anyone there if I have a question! So I'll likely be unable to breathe until 9:01am...better make that 10:00am because even afterwards I'll still be panicking or trying to calm myself down from previously panicking! LOL!
Anyway here's what I bought yesterday when I FINALLY got to B&N for their BLOW OUT SALE!
Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl--this was really the only book I wanted to get from the super awesome clearance sale! Most of the YA books were ones I had already. There were some special editions I would not have minded getting, but since I had a standard edition at home I could not justify even a half off sale for one simple bonus chapter. But I was happy to get this one!
Don't Close Your Eyes by Christie Craig--super excited for this one! I love Christie's YA books so I'm excited to read her first thriller/mystery! I even got my aunt to buy a copy too!!
Then for review from the publisher I received:
What You Hide by Natalie D. Richards (ARC)--I enjoyed one of her previous books so I'm pretty excited for this one from the sounds of it! Was shocked that I got approved for it too!
THANK YOU Sourcebooks Fire!
And then when you buy a new laptop and a ticket to Universal Studios in one month you get yourself pushed to the limits on your credit card and earn another gift card to B&N! They are such an enabler! LOL!
And that was my haul this week! Not too shabby in the end! What did you all get?