Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"The princess's spine snapped straight, and fire lit her eyes as she whirled to face the rest of the arena. 'You forget that until my brother was crowned king, I was a member of the servant class. Are you questioning my intelligence as well? Or as you simply confusing idiocy with his choice to not spew every thought that crosses his mind? Because, I can assure you, you would do well to keep a few of your own thoughts private, Makario.'" p 59
TITLE: The Wish Granter
AUTHOR: C.J. Redwine
PUBLISHER: Balzer + Bray
GENRE: YA Fairy Tale Retelling
RELEASE DATE: February 14, 2017
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Books By My Favorite Authors That I Still Haven’t Read
*in no particular order
10. A GRAVE PREDICTION by Victoria Laurie--love this series and yet, I still need to read what's possibly the last two books of the series! Eek!
9. THE VAMPIRE'S ACCIDENTAL WIFE by Kristen Painter--another lovable series I am behind in and this is the book I've been waiting for! JULIAN'S BOOK!
8. THE RETURN by Jennifer L. Armentrout--one of my all time favorite authors and I STILL need to START this series!
7. A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT by Sarah J. Maas--I LOVE this series by Sarah and yet, I am always behind in it! Lol!
6. BLIND TIGER by Rachel Vincent--another series I LOOOOVE and am soo behind in!
5. 99 LIES by Rachel Vincent--I'm pretty much behind in all of Rachel's books these days! I still need her other duology that completed this year! I need a break from review books apparently!
4. A MAD ZOMBIE PARTY by Gena Showalter--I LOVED this series (probably not as much as Intertwined, because yes I can be bitter when my heart gets broken) and yet, I still have not read this final book! I know it's more of an add on to the series than a finale-finale but alas I still haven't read it!
3. THE SWEETEST BURN by Jeaniene Frost--I LOVE Jeaniene's books and yet I somehow slacked off and have not finished this trilogy yet! Hopefully my poor addled memory will be able to pull through this one!
2. IT TAKES ONE by Kate Kessler--I love Kate's many book series! This is another I need to start! But that's the fun of binge reading...when I can get around to it!
1. THE SHADOW by Marianne Curley--I was ELATED when I saw this series was getting a continuance! Of course I need to re-read the first three books since it's been eons since I last read them! I have yet to do that so this one still remains unread. :(