I had a pretty quiet week when it came to books. Sadly there were some that I wanted but just couldn't afford to buy them this week. The first time in awhile where I didn't buy a book during release week. It kind of hurt. But what can you do? Lol.
Here's what I bought:
Beast: A Tale of Love and Revenge by Lisa Jensen--I couldn't resist buying a keeper copy! It's soooo pretty too! Can't wait to take some bookstagram shots with it! I was just in my game of doing them yesterday but then the battery died! Lol! Next time I guess!
Then I also got my bookmark that I had backordered from Amazon! And it's beautiful!! I LOVE IT!!
Then my library had a summer reading program that is reminiscent of the long ago 600 minutes program, except the minutes are longer and the prizes are different. One of them was choosing a book from what they had and this was one that sounded the most interesting that I didn't already have! Lol! Still a little unsure about it, but a free book is a free book and you never know, maybe one day I will read it!
The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough
Then finally for review from the publisher I got:
Echoes by Alice Reeds (ARC)--Super excited for this one since it was just my WoW this past week! Definitely bumping this up to my next read!!
And that was my haul this week! What did you all get?