How Soon is Too Soon for ARC Reviews?
We all know that the point of ARCs is for reviewers to read and review them and post about them early to get attention for upcoming releases. But how soon is too soon to be posting the reviews? Do you post a few days in advance? A week? A few weeks? A month? More than a month?
Every now and then I am seeing a review for a 2019 book and I'm just like wow! That's early. I mean we're just breach September...there's still 3 months until the new year. If you post about a 2019 book too early, don't you think some people might forget about said book in 3 months? That seems to be extreme to me.
But I don't know how everyone else operates. If they have a different thought process in mind and that's why they are posting this review months before it will release.
I tend to just post reviews a week early. Maybe I should up my game and go like 2-3 weeks, but that always feels too soon for me. I figure by post a week in advance, you're exposed to this book that is coming out really soon! And yet, you have just enough time to decide if this is one you need pre-ordered or will just buy right away or whatnot. A week was always my ideal time to post an ARC review.
For those of you who review ARCs, what do you prefer doing? What is your ideal timeframe for posting ARC reviews? Do you like posting a week in advance or do you post as soon as you've finished reading it months early? What's your opinion on this matter?