Stacking the Shelves is all about
sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or
virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or
online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books,
gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.
Well this was another week! Not bad, not great. We had a lot of rain going on this week and there was lots of flooding in the area too. Thankfully we just got rain, no flood damage to our neck of the woods other than a wee leak in the basement, but it just left a trail between a few boxes, nothing serious. Been catching glimpses of the news and it was pretty scary! I mean we desperately needed the rain, but I guess with the amount of fast downpours we got at the beginning of the week, it was just too much for the nearby creeks and rivers. Work was pretty normal, nothing exciting there. But the books! Oh my you guys...I seriously didn't think this was going to be a WOW kind of week, but preorders, a signing, and lack of impulse control led to a few too many wonderful things! Lol.
Here's what I bought:
Violet Made of Thorns by Gina Chen--impulse buy...I kept seeing the covers all over the place and I know it's an upcoming book box book, so I impulsively bought the gorgeous B&N edition!
Coached Red-Handed by Victoria Laurie--so vastly behind in this series, but this was one I did in one of the early B&N preorder sales!
When Stars Came Out by Scarlett St. Clair--impulse buy
Master of Iron by Tricia Levenseller--SIGNED! I met Tricia again at my library this week and naturally had preordered a copy in advance for this occasion!
Ebonwilde by Crystal Smith--Italian edition! As previously mentioned I LOVED the original US hardcover design and when I saw the Italian covers kept at it, I HAD to have them in my collection and at last, now I do!
Then for review from the publisher I received (as I will be apart of the blog tour starting next month):
The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber (ARC)--yes, I broke the sound barrier with my squeal when this arrived this week! And yes, I did fall all over myself when asked if I'd like to be on the tour! If one can virtually fall over oneself...because yes, I did that...numerous times!
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH Flatiron Books!!
Then just before I found out there was a sale this weekend, I had ordered these prints from Whimsical Publishing, but no regrets!
I got the new Legend print alongside its matching Tella print! Then the Percy Jackson postcard was a freebie I received.
Then at Pages of the Night's last sale, I picked up this version of Tella because I loved the hairstyle and that she had Legend's hat. I see it as a "nanny nanny boo boo" kind of thing! Lol.
Then my stepsister came in for a visit and she had went to London earlier this year and she brought me back this super cool print!
And continuing with the Harry Potter love, I ordered these curse coins from LitJoy Crate! And I just saw that there was another coin I somehow missed, so I ordered that one too, I'll probably have it in my StS in two weeks time! Lol.
Obviously, they aren't happy spells but my bookish coin geek was drooling over these when I saw them! AND I had a $10 coupon so it made it all the easier in deciding! Sadly, I had no coupon on my last impulse spell coin purchase but oh well. It will rack up points for next time!
Then when I went to pick up my B&N books...thought I was smart and did the buy online pickup in store thing, but then I saw this...and lost all control of myself again!
But come on! What booklover could say NO to this beautiful bookmark?! And yes, I have too many of these too, but it's been ages since I bought a new one!
And finally, while not bookish, when I was out running my errands I was overcome with SUCH JOY as I was finding some stores were putting their Halloween decorations out EARLY! I was going nuts! I didn't go crazy with the shopping as I more so scoping things out and seeing what was what and what I needed now vs what I could wait to get after MORE came out! Here's what I broke down for...the pumpkin was a steal too! They were all marked at $15 but this one had its old price-tag of $13 on it, so yes, I definitely spoke up to save my $2! Lol.

The Rae Dunn mug was totally impulse decision since I don't really drink mug related beverages, but come on; Vampire Juice?! And it's RED inside!! So yeah...but it was a Marshall's purchase, so it was steal! Then I saw this gorgeous fake book box and thought it was just so pretty! It's hard to tell but there are lots of stars and a crescent moon on here that is gold and shiny! Naturally, my lighting was terrible at showing this off, but it was a must! Plus another steal at $5!
And that was my unintended mega haul! Seriously, I thought I'd just be showing you guys the one preorder and the Tricia Levenseller one! But then stuff came in...and I found stuff, and then I found more stuff...and I was shopping solo so no one told me not to! Lol!
So what fun and exciting things did you get this week? Both bookish and not?