Oct 20, 2022

Books from the Backlog #1


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books.


Hey all! I've officially run out of my random factoids! For the last 2-3 years, I think, I was using a few books I found in the bargain bins at the stores that were filled with random nonsense. I was putting the facts into my own words for you all, lol. But I'm a bit tired out with just buying random books like that, so I'm putting that meme aside for now! I will of course share any fun random bizarre facts I find in other posts, like maybe a discussion post or something like that! 

It was just awhile ago when I was struggling to figure out my Thursday plan when I noticed my friend Carole's meme she has on her blog called Books from the Backlog! I thought it would be fun since that list is a mile long! Thankfully I keep track of this 99% of the time on Goodreads so I'll be able to find said backlog books easily! Lol. I also borrowed the above image from Carole's blog since I'm joining in on her meme!

Let's get to it! 

There's something about almost dying that makes a girl rethink her priorities. Take Nicki Styx—she was strictly goth and vintage, until a brush with the afterlife leaves her with the ability to see dead people.

Before you can say boo, Atlanta's ghosts are knocking at Nicki's door. Now her days consist of reluctantly cleaning up messes left by the dearly departed, leading ghouls to the Light . . . and one-on-one anatomy lessons with Dr. Joe Bascombe, the dreamy surgeon who saved her life. All this catering to the deceased is a real drag, especially for a girl who'd rather be playing hanky-panky with her hunky new boyfriend . . . who's beginning to think she's totally nuts.

But things get even more complicated when a friend foolishly sells her soul to the devil, and Nicki's new gift lands her in some deep voodoo.

As it turns out for Nicki Styx, death was just the beginning.



Dead Girls Are Easy by Terri Garey is the first book on my Goodreads "To Read" list and I remember buying it after I read a review wayyy back in 2011, yes I found my original post of where I got it in a haul, I even linked back to the blogger whose review I read--they are retired now. Anyway, I remember thinking this one sounded like a fun read, plus ghosties and the whole UF kick that I LOVE! I remember I bought it at Borders during their last days (RIP BORDERS!). I even went back and bought the rest of the series as well, because might as well! So it was in my haul post on June 12, 2011...so yeah...10+ years. 

Side note, it was driving me crazy trying to remember what blogger/blog it was that I got this recommendation from. But I can say I was successful in finding it--through my post--and I was at least right in believing the blogger's name began with a C!

Side side note, I can say that that "In My Mailbox" post, 2 books I bought were keeper copies, then I bought another 4 books and I've read 3 of those! It is just this book from that post that I have yet to read!

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