Oct 18, 2022

Let's Discuss: October is My Element


Does anyone else ever feel like they were born in the wrong month? I feel like October is totally my element! Every year I look forward to the spooky season and all the joy October brings and it really makes happy each year!

October is My Element!

Not that there's anything wrong with my birthday month of December. If anything I'm an odd duck as I love the spooky season but then once it's over I'm in total Christmas mode! I go from darkness to absolute light and it's enough to give you whiplash! Lol.

October is my element month as I love when the weather (ideally) finally gets cooler--and oddly enough it has been this year! Fall is in the air. The leaves are changing, Halloween decorations are out. Pumpkin season is afoot and while I'm not the coffee drinker, I do like other pumpkin treats...particularly pumpkin bread!

Then I love Halloween decorations! I'm always scoping out the stores to see what unique finds I'll uncover! Whether for bookstagram props or just decorations for my shelves during the holiday season!

What's funny too is that though I love the spooky season, I am not a horror movie fan. So I don't partake in that part of the holiday! I'll read the creepy thrillers or eerie mysteries that involve ghosts and such. Can't get enough of that! But having it in movie format? Pass!

October is pretty much my jam! I live for the spooky season and all the joy it brings me every year! True I can read anytime of year but there is just a certain joy to reading the books in October surrounded by the smell of fall, spooky decor, and yes, pumpkin treats!

What month or season do you feel you gravitate towards? What month or time of year is your element? December is probably my second favorite which will likely turn into another discussion post come then! Lol.

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