Feb 16, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #293

This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Do you keep an active list of favorite authors--that you would spend your milk money on--to have it when they publish a book? (submitted by Laura @ Laura's Book Binge

MY ANSWER: Not really. No. I probably should as it would make it easier to look up new releases for them all! The problem is, it's a long list! I still subscribe to some newsletters from favorite authors, so I can stay on top of their releases but other ones I am constantly plugging into Goodreads or Amazon to find new releases. I do get notifications from both of them occasionally about authors releasing new books. Although, I usually know about the titles at that point! Lol.
EDIT: I do keep an active list of releases for the year though! When I hear about different titles or titles by authors I know, it goes on the list. This way I can also keep track of what I've preordered as well!


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