Feb 4, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--Books, Swag, & Ranting, LOTS of Ranting!


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


It was another week! Let me tell you! It wasn't too bad really, but then it ended with chaos! Mostly good, but the larger part was enough to drive me crazy and I'm still going mad with it too! Friday night was the night TWO author signings were happening at the same time 20 some odd miles apart. I decided to go to the one I had the most books for since I never met either author. I met Kate Alice Marshall and it was a very fun night all in all! By the time I got out of the signing line, I decided I just might make the tail end of the signing line for the other signing which was Krystal Sutherland! So I did it! I might have put a little too much pedal to the metal (but not that much!) in order to make sure I got there in time, but it was all good! I had time to spare...but it wasn't until afterwards I realized my picture with Krystal had major light reflecting off my glasses! I forget to take them off sometimes, because I'm blind without them! Lol. But it is what it is. I tried looking into apps that could remove it but the one that claimed to help just removed my eyes entirely. Yes, it was quite scary!

Then the other bit of chaos was the fact that once again my B&N preorder was late. Terribly, terribly, so! Something is going on with the main distribution center in St. Louis because they are always the ones to not touch any of my book packages for DAYS! DAYS! Probably even a week on my last one! The ticker is though, EVERYTHING else that I might order that's NOT a book comes via USPS exactly when promised with NO DELAYS! And no, my senders are not sending it via media mail either, as that I know takes longer. This is B&N's Member EXPRESS shipping. I used to get my books on the Friday after release day...now, if my last preorder (which was also my first one of 2024) is anything to go by, it won't be here until the week after this coming week! It's INSANE! And it's driving me INSANE because these are my precious, precious books! Limited edition copies that you don't always get to have replacements of and the mail is doing who knows what with them as tracking sits dormant for days on end. So yes, I am getting seriously stressed out about this. And yes, I am thinking of all my beloved copies of Spectacular that I ordered that will take 3 weeks to be delivered with my Member EXPRESS shipping instead of, what was it, like 3-5 days? Yeah, I'm stressed and sick with worry and just a tiny bit unhappy.

As far as the mail I DID receive, it wasn't too bad! Really, the things that I got in the mail weren't books, but bookish in nature...which is probably why the one showed up 2 days later than intended, but since it wasn't actually books it got to be 2 days late instead of 2 weeks.

The Dark Fable by Katherine Harbour--I have her possible first book on my TBR pile and this one sounded good too, so when I had to make a return at B&N this weekend, I turned into an almost exchange instead! Lol.
The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland--
SIGNED! Keeper copy too!

And yes, the missing book I am waiting on is my copy of HOFAS! I can't keep buying a book in the store to hold me over while I wait for my preorder to show up because that's getting too pricey! I end up returning one and it's getting tiring too. The last time or two I had to do this because of signings and it was detrimental that I have my copy for the signing because priorities!

Then for all the other fun goodies I got in the mail that had no trouble getting to me on time (except for my ATOMD order which was 2 days late) were:

From A Touch of Magic Designs I got my Shelfie Stands of Legend & Julian (sadly Scarlett & Tella are in my storage unit, so alas there's no group shot!) and Evageline and Jacks II. I did have the first set of them, but I loved their newer look, so I splurged! I think this was my November order...it doesn't look like a December one happened as I always order the cupcake pin.

Which I also got the Cupcake pin! I really wish these could have their book/series labeled on it as I can't always remember. But they're still pretty regardless!

Then I sent away for a Kim Harrison tour freebie as I alas, cannot make it to one of her selective tour spots. Bad timing this year.

It's a poker chip/coin that relates to her new series that starts next month! I think it had something to do with transportation but I can't quite remember. I plan to download an early copy of the book soon, it might be in my StS next week! Lol.

Then I didn't take a proper picture, but I got the Pandora's Book Box gorgeous covers for the Caraval trilogy! I haven't quite decided if I am buying yet another set of Caraval books to put these on or if I want to frame them instead as they are SO pretty!

Since I didn't want to flatten them out just yet for picture taking purposes and whatnot, I'm just showing the image from the shop. I feel like if I framed them then you can see front and back together!

I'm wondering if I get like a razor-blade to cut them I could cut it so that the front & back are separated from the the middle title/author spine part and I could display all three together in it's own grouping in a frame somehow, times 3 for all 3 covers. I think I like that idea the most but I am not totally sold on it just yet. I guess it depends if I can find a house with 3 rooms so I can have 1 as a library and 1 as a Caraval room! Lol. Yes, I am going that over the top with my decorating scheme in my head!

Then my preorder gift for Destroy the Day arrived! I wasn't expecting it so quick since they usually take a month or two after the book releases to arrive!

THANK YOU Bloomsbury YA!

As you might have guessed, my pin banner with the other two on it, is in storage! Sigh...it was such a great idea at the time, but now everything gets separated as I continue to search for an affordable house in a safe neighborhood! Because apparently the two are not exclusive in my area!

Then on my latest trip to B&N I finally got clarity on the new Rewards program and that I could join with my previous paid membership and ride out its course on the new paid membership until my old one expires! For some reason, that was never made 100% clear to me but my cashier was super friendly in explaining that this time around! For some reason I thought I had to finish out my old paid one before I could start the new paid one...but yeah. 

So anyway, that comes with a FREE tote every year--if I understood that part correctly that is, lol! So here's the one I picked because I loved the color and the words!

Yeah, my camera really sucks. The color of the tote is a nice rustic orange! For whatever reason my camera is making it look like cognac!

I now want this in the super-sized luggage format so that my luggage will say: A Suitcase of Books! So TSA knows that it truly just is books meticulously packed in there Tetris style! Lol. I did see once a luggage tag that said: Just Shoes (or something like that. So close to what I would've bought in a heartbeat! Lol.)

Then during the B&N preorder sale I made a preoder for Diana Urban's next thriller that sounds super awesome and she had a preorder offer going as well, but she sent them out asap! For whatever reason I thought they'd come when the book releases in August, so that was super fun! Now I just need to remember I have this book plate! Lol.


And finally, my last item is yet another t-shirt from Amazon's Shirt.Woot company! I couldn't help myself with this one...as usual! But hey, it's actually not bookish this time! And in my defense it was 40% off which put the shirt under $10 rather than the normal $15 sale or $19 if it's past its sale time-frame!

I am a HUGE Supernatural fan! I watched the show religiously since DAY ONE! I was and still slightly am obsessed with this show! 

And that was it for me! If you follow me on Threads, you will see my likely daily update and woes on where my copy of HOFAS is. Every morning I cry when tracking says it's waiting for the PO to accept it after receiving it last month, because yes, 1/31 is last month.

And my apologies for all my ranting about this! Like I said, I can pretty much patiently wait for any package to arrive in the mail, but when my BOOKS are the ones that are being purposely delayed, I get a little angry.

But yes, what did you get this week? And also, are your post offices well-staffed? Wondering if this is just a St. Louis thing? Lol...but also SOB!!! :(

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