Feb 23, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #294


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: How do you organize your bookshelves? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews

MY ANSWER: Unfortunately since I am house searching (still), all my "read" books are in storage. But when I do have them on their shelves in the hopefully near future, I am very old school and organized them by author's last name. It's just the easiest for my brain to process! Lol.

I can't imagine trying to organize by genres, or favorites, or colors. The colored shelves always look pretty but then my brain goes to, holy cow THIS AUTHOR is coming to St. Louis what color were their books?!! Because yes, that's how I process as to why I could never allow myself to arrange books by color! Lol.

Even when it comes to the author having multiple books on my shelves I somehow end up putting their books in publication order too. I may sometimes put the series I discovered first though if I happen to read them "out of order." And I know I have one author (who I still need to finish said series) who had a series that was published out of her originally written order. So those will definitely be arranged in the author's order! It's not one where it really matters what order you read, but you might get minor spoilers to particular character's history or whatnot, should you read them in publication order.

So yes, a long-winded way to say that my books are arranged in the standard alphabetical order by author's last name!

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