Jun 21, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #311


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Will society suffer in the future as a result of the younger generations' lack of reading? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Well...possibly? Is it bad to think that? I'd like to say that each generation should be making society better, but I sadly think we might be on the cusp of where that might not happen. I'm not saying the next generation will be the downfall of humanity! But I feel like reading so much has made me see the world a bit differently. 

Yes, I read fiction and fantasy. Yes, sometimes I read completely unrealistic things. I highly doubt a maniac vampire will become president and force humans to be their blood bags from birth to death! i.e. I've never read a book with that kind of plot. I might have a few books where a paranormal race might be the dominant race and humans are low in the food chain but yeah, whatever. Lol. 
Reading about human or supernatural being's struggles makes me empathize with them. We all have struggles whether we're homo sapiens or lycanthropes or are undead. We all have inner demons or sometimes physical ones haunting us.

Reading these things about general struggles from the inside and out, does kind of make you empathize a little bit more. 

And maybe sometimes it makes it a little harder for you to trust people. I mean when a guy tries to hide his "time of the month" as controlled by the lunar stages, you might not feel comfortable trusting just any ol body. Especially in the times of thrillers and serial killers where the nice, charming bookstore clerk, Joe Goldberg turns into a serial stalker/murderer. You learn to keep your guard up as a reader and, ironically, read every situation carefully before stepping into anything. You know that not all "monsters" are friendly and can actually be monsters; humans too. You have a different kind of perception of the world. You're open and also wary, you know not to always jump in head first.

Basically, as a result of reading, I am empathic. I am open to new ideas and situations or what have you. I am observant and I guess you can say hesitant or reluctant to jump in head first. I like to know what kind of situation I am walking into; I'm cautious.

I feel like these are traits the younger generation might not think to develop on their own. I know as I watch my teenage niece, she's glued to her phone 99% of the time and when I go out I see a lot of other teens her age doing the same. So yes, I guess I worry for this generation and the generations to come because who knows what the world, and society for that matter, will look [and act] like when they are older. 

Jun 20, 2024

Books from the Backlog #88

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This meme is hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books!


On a cool autumn night, Annaliese Rose Gordon stumbled out of the woods and into a high school party. She was screaming. Drenched in blood. Then she vanished.

A year later, Annaliese is found wandering down a road hundreds of miles away. She doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know how she got there. She only knows one thing: She is not the real Annaliese Rose Gordon.

Now Annaliese is haunted by strange visions and broken memories. Memories of a reckless, desperate wish . . . a bloody razor . . . and the faces of other girls who disappeared. Piece by piece, Annaliese's fractured memories come together to reveal a violent, endless cycle that she will never escape—unless she can unlock the twisted secrets of her past.




So I added Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn to my pile in October of 2015, according to Goodreads. It may be accurate, but I don't have my photo albums to tell! Because I bought this one impulsively when I was at Anderson's Bookshop for a multi-author signing in which Kate was in attendance. Backlist titles were there and this one sounded good, so I bought it! Lol. I still want to read it too as I love a good thriller! 




Jun 19, 2024



Hey all! I'm just popping in to say that I will be MIA this weekend! Headed up north to visit my aunt for the annual Strawberry Festival! It's mostly a giant craft fair that hits her main street! It's a lot of fun and I enjoy going nearly every year! But needless to say I won't be doing my usual blog visits. I'll be back sometime on Sunday, so I will be back at it again come Monday!

Have a great weekend!

Let's Discuss: Writing Reviews


So it was after I got done writing all those other posts and was trying to fall asleep that another idea came to me! Naturally, I crawl out of bed and look for writing tools to jot a few talking points down so I could remember what my sleep addled brain was trying to tell me that was a good idea! lol.

Writing Reviews

I noticed after I was writing a review for a book I full on loved from beginning to end, that I was writing a LOT of things in my review! I touched on everything that I enjoyed, the action, the romance, the plot itself, the pacing, the twists and turns. I made comparisons to something else that made me think highly of the book for emulating. No stone was left unturned!

Then it got me thinking...I do this a LOT when I enjoy a book! When there are so many things I want to talk about to let other readers know why this is a GREAT read, I can't seem to rein in it! I sometimes try to keep the reviews to a decent length, one that isn't overly long, but then I thought, I don't mind at all reading a longer review if the reviewer loved it! I want to know all the positives and why this book was so exciting!

Now on the flip side, I find if I didn't enjoy the book quite to the same extent, I don't want to harp on all the reasons why. I've read a few books already this year that I expected to love, but when I started reading them, I realized the flow wasn't quite what I was expecting. The pacing was off, things weren't always explained in an easy way and there were too many questions as to what the heck is going on.

There are times I do find my mind drifting when I read some of these and I have to snap myself back to attention. It's not that the book is terrible, but there is some kind of disconnect. And why I do want to tell other readers why the book didn't quite work for me, I don't want to tear the book apart in a length review either. Because, I obviously finished it, there was something I was enjoying, something made me need to finish this book to the end.

But even still, I don't want to harp on all those negative things. So I'll simply state what wasn't working for me. Perhaps I was just reading the book at a bad time like with too much going on with work or other stress factors. I still include the things that did work, because obviously the author worked their butt off on this book. I make it clear that I did need to finish the book and I was nowhere near the point of DNFing, but there was a disconnection somewhere and I make that clear too. I've always said that not every book is for every one. Some people will thoroughly love a book where others will just be meh. For instance, I'm not a TOG fan at all. I do enjoy her other two series, but TOG was just meh for me.

In the end, what you see is a much shorter review for a book I only liked versus seeing a longer review for a book I couldn't put down and loved so thoroughly!


So what about you? What are the lengths of your reviews? Do you try to keep the same structure or do some books make you need to talk longer or possibly even shorter? Do you notice a trend in what you write for books you loved versus ones you maybe just liked?

Can't Wait Wednesday


Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine.



The eleventh book in the New York Times best-selling Villains series follows the downfall of Disney’s slickest, quickest, and smarmiest Gaston.

You may think this tale as old as time has been told before. You may know about the beauty, and the beast, and the curse they broke together. But some stories have more than one ending. Some stories have more than one villain.

Such is the story of Gaston. Growing up, young Gaston lived in the shadow of his friend, the prince. He agreed with the prince’s ideas, went along with the prince's schemes, and hid his own talents so that his best friend could shine.

But the prince paid a price for his wicked ways. As he grew more beastly and the world began to forget him, Gaston was no longer forced to pretend. He was determined, never again, to be second-best to anyone. No one says no to Gaston.

The mysterious Odd Sisters know an opportunity to meddle when they see it. And once they do, it just might lead to the downfall of everyone’s favorite guy.

New York Times best-selling author Serena Valentino brings readers back to the tale of that beauty, her beast, and the man who was truly forgotten all along.


SUPER excited to read this one! I was always surprised that Valentino wrote one for the Beast when he wasn't necessarily the villain. Yes, yes, he was a grumpy old beast in the beginning, but that's because he was a douche bag prince. I can't remember what we learned of his time when he was human up to being turned into an animalistic beast. But yeah, that's a debate for another time! I'm excited for Gaston's "story" and that he was friends with the prince as a young lad! This will be an interesting one...now I just need to get caught up in the series so I can read it! I've got 3 books to go until I'm caught up!

TITLE: Kill the Beast
AUTHOR: Serena Valentino

PUBLISHER: Disney Hyperion
GENRE: Disney
RELEASE DATE: July 30, 2024

In this epic and seductive gothic fantasy, a vampire escapes the thrall of Dracula and embarks on her own search for self-discovery and true love.

Her name was written in the pages of someone else's story: Lucy Westenra was one of Dracula's first victims.

But her death was only the beginning. Lucy rose from the grave a vampire, and has spent her immortal life trying to escape from Dracula's clutches--and trying to discover who she really is and what she truly wants.

Her undead life takes an unexpected turn when, in twenty-first-century London, she meets another woman who is also yearning to break free from her past. Iris’s family has built a health empire based on a sinister secret, and they’ll do anything to stay in power.

Lucy has long believed she would never love again. But she finds herself compelled by the charming Iris, while Iris is mesmerized by the confident and glamorous Lucy. But their intense connection and blossoming love is threatened by forces from without. Iris's mother won't let go of her without a fight, and Lucy's past still has fangs: Dracula is on the prowl again.

Lucy Westenra has been a tragically murdered teen, a lonesome adventurer, and a fearsome hunter, but happiness always eluded her. Can she find the strength to destroy Dracula once and for all, or will her heart once again be her undoing?


I am always a little hesitant going into books that feel like they might be heavy on the history in a historical fantasy fiction novel but when it involves vampires, especially having the Dracula vibes...it gets my attention! I never did get around to reading White's YA Vlad inspiration story, but only because I thought it didn't really have vampires in it...but it's been so long I can't remember what people said that had me hesitant to read it. This one is definitely on my watch list though!


TITLE: Lucy Undying
AUTHOR: Keirsten White

GENRE: Historical Fantasy Fiction
RELEASE DATE: September 10, 2024

Jun 18, 2024

Let's Discuss: Deckled Edges


Okay so the second idea I got kind of goes hand in hand with yesterday's post, but I wouldn't really call this a deluxe customization. I feel like it's somewhat random when a publisher decides to go this route.

Deckled Edges: Yay or Nay?

Deckled edges; are you for them or against them? I'll admit, this is a tough one for me to answer. Yes, they do have some sort of visual appeal to them. It's different than the crisply cut pages. These can be a little rougher in a sense. 

One thing that I don't quite like about them is when there's "extra" paper hanging off the ends. I forget which book it was, but there was a pretty decent chunk of paper that just got folded inside the pages and it bugged me. Not enough where I felt skilled enough to trim it myself. I'm not that brave. Lol. But yeah. I don't always like it when there's that kind of excess hanging about.

Otherwise, I do find them somewhat visually appealing. At least in some sense. I guess when you stare at so many "perfected" books, seeing one that's the direct opposite kind of has some appeal to it.

I guess in the long run it just depends on my mood at the time if I am for them or against them. I guess it would also depend on the quality of said "deckling!" Lol. Some have been a little too rough around the edges and I've got extra pieces of paper falling into my lap that upsets me. Yes, it's usually just corner bits or edge bits and the page itself is still intact. But yeah.

Needless to say I probably have a love/hate relationship with them! Lol. It'll just depend on the day and their quality. What about you, do you love em or hate em? Are you indifferent to them?

Top Ten Tuesday

Unfortunately no teaser today. By the time I finished my current read I ran out of time to start my next one to get a teaser picked by the time I sat down to write this post. Since I'm way late to reading it anyway, I figure everyone will pretty much have their favorite parts memorized! Lol.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top 10 (Possible) Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

*in no particular order
**books chosen somewhat randomly, no clue if I will get to them or not!

10. ROYAL BLOOD by Aimee Carter--should be my next read! Aimee is supposed to be attending Anderson's YA Lit event at the end of July, so as long as all goes well I'll finally get to meet her after all these years!
9. WHENEVER by Victoria Laurie--
a sequel to her 2015 YA book that I loved! This one has her characters as adults or you know the nearly 10 years later that it is, so I'm excited for it!
8. TRULY DEVIOUS by Maureen Johnson--
Maureen is set to visit my library in August and I am SO EXCITED! I was supposed to meet her at RT 2012 but she had to cancel her appearance so 12 years later and it's finally happening! So I figure I need to get reading on this series of hers soon! At least 1 or 2 books!



7. DIRTY LYING DRAGONS by Sabrina Blackburry--a randomly chosen book as I was staring at my nearest bookcase! But still excited for this one because DRAGONS!
6. DEMONS OF GOOD AND EVIL by Kim Harrison--
I never used to be behind on Kim's books but I somehow fell behind on my favorite series of hers. One of my OG series too! So I definitely need to get caught up, luckily the next one is out in fall now so I've got a little time still! Not much, but some! Lol.
5. DO YOUR WORST by Rosie Danan--
a randomly chosen title! I picked this up earlier this year with B2G1 sale at B&N as there were 2 books I really wanted so I had to find myself a third one and I think this was that third choice! It sounds cute and fun and paranormally so it should work! Lol.



4. MIDNIGHT AT THE HOUDINI by Delilah S. Dawson--another randomly chosen one but one I am still super excited to read! I love Delilah's books even though I am so behind on her more recent releases!
3. FOXGLOVE by Adalyn Grace--
I had so hoped she'd come to St. Louis this year, but alas, it was a no go. She is attending somewhere drivable, but it's a long drive...at night...and I always have to go solo so I decided to wait until next time.
2. COLD HEARTED by Serena Valentino--
her books always make my list even if I still stay constantly behind! Love this series though!



1. VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE by Isabel Canas--another randomly chosen one! But vampires is in the title so it has to be good! Lol.

Jun 17, 2024

Let's Discuss: Deluxe vs Standard Editions


So I finally got hit with another topic to discuss with you all! I was just starting to feel like June might be my worst month to date, when naturally, two ideas popped up in my head! So expect another discussion tomorrow! Lol!

Deluxe vs Standard Editions

So you've probably all have been noticing that (at least in the YA books) there's been a slew of what the publishers are dubbing DELUXE EDITIONS! I'll admit they are truly something! Sometimes there might be an alternate cover, but other times we're seeing the gorgeous sprayed or stenciled edges on the pages! This is probably my favorite feature that I've been seeing lately! Even the ones that are just a solid color are pretty. Never in all my book collecting years would I have thought to see sprayed edges. 

Which is funny, because some of my classic books in the leather bound collections tended to have gold gilded pages! Why it took so long to think of sprayed and stenciled pages is something else entirely! I know there have been a handful of people doing themselves and my favorite is Bookish Signs and More! Not only do I LOVE Amber's signs she makes but the pages she ends up decorating are gorgeous too!

Then there's always the beloved bonus content we can get in some of these super deluxe editions. Or maybe just store related ones. Whichever they end up being in I love that too! Deleted scenes are the best! I always end up watching a movie's deleted scenes and some I've found really should've been left in because where they cut them out you always noticed a character running into a room breathless and you wonder, what just happened? Well, they had to cut it. Although I feel like authors are good about closing up those gaps when scenes need to be cut or shortened.

Another detail I enjoy are the embossed covers or even just having the "naked" hardcover look! Honestly, the "naked" ones are the best! Not only do you not have to worry about the cover ripping on you, but you get this super amazing cover design and I'd say over half the time they are embossed and I love the texture of that too!

Needless to say, I am a fan of these super DELUXE editions! I'm somewhat baffled too that they still make a standard edition too. Perhaps I haven't seen it all the time. Or maybe that's just the anticipation of the second print run. But every once in awhile I see a publisher post or author post where they show the deluxe and standard edition together and I'm like, they're both out at the same time? Granted, by now, we know the these super deluxe editions are only on the first print run. So I always make sure to preorder when they are ones I simply must have!

What about you? Are you a fan of the "new" deluxe editions publisher have been putting out? What's your favorite customization that they do?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. It's a fun meme where we gather to share what we've read last week and our reading plans for this week.



Last Week I Read:

Where the Library Hides by Isabel Ibanez (ARC)--Review to come at later date



About to Start Reading:

The War of Two Queens by Jennifer L. Armentrout



What I Plan to Read Next:

Royal Blood by Aimee Carter



Other Posts of Interest:

Let's Discuss: Rating on Goodreads
Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays
Can't Wait Wednesday
Books from the Backlog #87
Book Blogger Hop #310
Stacking the Shelves--Grievous Stress