Sep 24, 2024

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

So obviously this isn't my current read but I suspect by now I'm between reads and to make it easier on my psyche I give you the teaser I originally picked when I didn't think I'd finish this book so quickly! Lol.

"<The large, colorful beaks,> she explains, <are there to distract you from the eyes. If you look into a toucan's eyes you will know the heart of evil, and what's more, you will know they'd like to eat you.>" p 175

TITLE: Scourged
AUTHOR: Kevin Hearne

GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: April 3, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top Ten Books on My Fall 2024 To-Read List

*in no particular order
**tentative to change, obviously, lol.

10. WHERE HE CAN'T FIND YOU by Darcy Coates--this sounds creepy good and while I'd love to read it for this year's spooky season, I'll be lucky to get it read in "fall."
9. DEMONS OF GOOD AND EVIL by Kim Harrison--I hate that I am behind n her books! I used to always be caught up. One book behind isn't terrible, but the next one is coming out soon (and technically I still have another standalone one of hers to read too!)
8. THESE DEATHLESS SHORES by P.H. Low--I picked this one up not too long ago and it just sounds fantastic and I want to read it as soon as I can!

7. THE CHAMPIONS by Kara Thomas--love her thrillers, so excited for this return to Sunnybrook!
6. OF SONG AND SCEPTER by Liesel West--another newish addition that is yelling at me to read it! I plan to after I get through a few more event books!
5. THE HOUSE THAT HORROR BUILT by Christina Henry--another one I wish I could be reading for spooky season, but alas, I am in event mode!

4. COLD HEARTED by Serena Valentino--I am always behind in this series through no intentional purposes! Lol. Hoping to read at least one of these this year at least!
3. FOXGLOVE by Adalyn Grace--another series I fell behind in without meaning too!
2. THE TEMPTATION OF MAGIC by Megan Scott--a recent acquisition that sounds super amazing and I hope to maybe read it this fall as well!

1. SPECTACULAR by Stephanie Garber--to the shock of no one! Lol.