Aug 23, 2013

Is It Just Me?

Okay, so I am bit bored here. Been looking up totally random things, gift ideas, music I need to buy, Disney store items...yeah random! Then I started looking at books, because I kind of want to start a review book I got versus one of my older-gotta-read-soon titles and I don't have said review book on me, hence the browsing of the internet!

I already mentioned or at least in part, Keri Arthur's new covers for a re-release of her Nikki and Michael series. One I read way back then and enjoyed and I kind of like the new covers too! The old ones just didn't have the UF pizazz but it's likely because UF wasn't really a hot genre yet--aka The Dark Days!

So getting back on topic I was looking at the next book to come out next week, Hearts in Darkness and I noticed a startling change in the cover model.

Now is it just me, or does it look like her boobs grew three sizes? It appears to be the same cover model, because look at book 3, she looks more like her book 1 face than book 2, but I think it's due to her hair style.

It's hard to say if her boobs really changed any here, what with the dark top and her laying down. I just found that weird. Granted it's likely some sort of sales perspective or whatnot. But I just don't know. Found that odd and felt like posting about it!

So what do you think? Did her boobs get bigger or am I seeing things? At least in comparison to cover 1, which you can't see too well in that area, but I think there's enough to see to note that there was a change.