In the final showdown between the forces of dark and light, Mal and Chrysabelle face not only Tatiana, but the ancient evil that now controls her: the Castus Sanguis. Chrysabelle gathers her friends and family around her, forming a plan to bring an end to the chaos surrounding them. But the Castus is the most powerful being they've ever come up against. Defeating such evil will require a great sacrifice from someone on the side of light.
One of them will change sides. One of them will die. No one will survive unscathed. Can Chrysabelle save those she cares about or will that love get her killed? What price is she willing to pay to draw last blood?
This series has been an interesting one, but it wasn't without its challenges for me when it came to reading each book. But still I was quite happy with it by the end! Kristen Painter's Last Blood is the finale to the House of Comarre series and not everyone gets their happy ending as the cover description will tell you. Some futures are left a little uncertain as well.
There have been a plethora of characters in this series and with them, their own story and plot. So at times the books can get a little chaotic in terms of reviewing, but never in the reading itself. Told in third person, it's easy to switch from story to story and there are times that I don't want to leave a particular character's story, only to be swept up in the next!
It is in this book that we will learn the final fates of everyone; Chrysabelle, Mal, Tatiana, Fi, Doc, Mayor Lola, Creek, Preacher...and more! Other characters are there too, some we thought we were finished with, but nothing is ever certain in this world!
Chrysabelle is dealing with being pregnant with Mal's child and having Mal whose love and feelings for her are totally gone, taken by a fae. She will do everything possible to get those feelings back from this particular fae. Then there's Fi and Doc dealing with Remo, Heaven's brother who makes a startling discovery in the Pack that might tear apart Fi and Doc and bring down the Pack itself. Mayor Lola is still hellbent on getting her granddaughter back for she is the only one fit to raise her, never mind her father, Preacher who wants her back as well. Then there's Tatiana who is striving to get the same child back, but is known as Lilith to her.
Only thing is, Lilith's changing. Becoming something darker and much more fiercer than any child ever should be.
These characters are what totally made the series for me! They are just so many, and yet they are all so detailed and have their own lives, but somehow their paths all get connected at some point. Enemies will join together to take down the force that is Lilith. Endings will come about full circle and as I said, not all are happy ones. Some are even a mite confusing and left uncertain. Like what will happen to them later on? Who's to say really since the series is over. Anything is possible for them.
This one was pretty damn good pacing wise! The first part of the story for Chrysabelle involved trying to break Mal's curse and restore his feelings and then it moved on to the need to take Lilith down. Chrysabelle learns a few things by the end, including who her mysterious father is.
The romance was there in sporadic bursts, but nothing over the top. It was kind of nice, there was too much going on for any of the characters in love to be all lovey dovey! But by the end, you know that all the lovebirds are going to be just fine.
The House of Comarre is a series set in a futuristic world of vampires and varcolai--shifters descended from fallen angels and animals--living amongst humans. There are lots of mysteries and unknown in Paradise City, perhaps you might want to take the time and visit! You won't be disappointed!
Overall Rating 4.5/5 stars