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This week's question is: If you could only have ONE – one book – for the rest of your life. Don’t cheat…what would it be?
MY ANSWER: Oh bleep! I do not like this question. Who thought of this question?! ;)
Okay, let's's think...yes, I'm stalling!
Well, I'd have to get a copy of this one, but it would be:
Werewolves by Kelley Armstrong
It's printed in Canada only according to Goodreads, but this bad boy has Bitten, Stolen and a prequel novella: Beginnings in it!
So that's 2.5 books in ONE book itself! So that counts! ;)
But speaking theoretically, I'd quite possibly die if this was the case of my life! 1 book for the rest of eternity?! Insanity, here I come!!
Or possibly:
ONE book with multiple paranormal short stories by many authors! That way things are spiced up for the rest of life!
And if that's still cheating, and I really need 1 book, 1 story, 1 author then I choose this one:
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
And if that's still cheating, and I really need 1 book, 1 story, 1 author then I choose this one:
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
So I probably cheated with this whole post, but let the record stand that I still protest this question! ;)