Aug 11, 2013

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

I had an awesome week! Didn't add too much to the TBR mountain but did get some pretty awesome new reads!!

First off I had to buy the new cover for Dancing with the Devil. I have the old one, signed even but I just couldn't help but like the new one, so I thought what the heck!

Dancing with the Devil by Keri Arthur

Then I received from my preorder:

Biting Bad by Chloe Neill

And then, the creme de la creme:

an ARC of Soul Kissed by Erin Kellison
+the ultimate SWAG pack!!

Thanks Erin!!

That was my haul! What did you get?