Aug 21, 2013

My Trip to SC, GA & AAD! (+Giveaway)

Hey all!! As you know I was MIA last week. I went to Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA for some vacay! And to attend the signing day of AAD since I had quite a few authors in attendance who I've never met. 2 were no-shows unfortunately, but I still saw the others on my list!

Okay, so pictures are taking wayyyy too long to download, so keeping this pretty short! Here's the entrance to Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah!

Here is one of the many statues in the cemetery! I took a lot of cemetery photos! Morbid, me? No! Just a lover of paranormal and creepy things! Besides, I thought the cemetery had a lot of charm!

So far, no orbs in my photos of cemeteries and haunted places! Oh well. Although while in one, we were given EMF(?) readers and ours did go red, but me and my mom still couldn't help but feel a tad skeptical. Although I still firmly believe in ghosts and am going to say that we did have a spirit nearby us!

Charleston--where we went first--was pretty freaking groovy too!

And as I said before while visiting one of the plantations, we walked towards the bridge to look out on the Ashley River and lo and behold we say 2 gators!! I tweeted about it and we basically did run away...or walk very very quickly!!

As I also mentioned, photos are being a pain to upload, so I am keeping them to a minimum. Sorry folks, but I'll get right to why you are all here anyway...the contest!

Okay I have here:

The bag given upon entrance
a SIGNED copy of Wicked as She Wants by Delilah S. Dawson
a SIGNED copy of Blood Rights by Kristen Painter
a SIGNED ARC of Soul Kissed by Erin Kellison
Plus a Blud Bunny bracelet from Delilah
Post-its and a Tattoo from Kristen
SIGNED cover flats from Erin!!

Unfortunately I have to keep the giveaway to US only! Sorry folks! But my bank is pretty broke from this trip!

Contest is open now til 12:00 AM on Monday, August 26, 2013