Seriously, why do I torment myself?! I was a sucker and fell for Amazon's great deal of a preorder for Origin for $5.99! $5.99 I was like hot damn! That's a good deal for a YA trade paperback! So hell yeah I ordered it.
Then a few days later I get my confirmation or status update email that says Origin will be shipped/delivered on September 3rd-8th. I stare. Thinking...what. Did. I. Just. Do?! Yeah, I save $4 (plus tax) getting this bad boy--and oh, Daemon looks so badass there!--but now I am waiting an extra week?! Eek! I will go insane!
And now to the point of my random nonsense post. When it comes to HOT titles that I am DYING to read, I tend to not read reviews. Not to be mean or anything, but because with certain books, I want to go in totally blind! I don't want anyone's opinion to effect mine be it awesomely amazing to fabulous to great, good, wonderful...or even negative, but how can we get negative with this one?! (Again, I realize not everyone loves this series)
So in the next week, when everyone--or 99% of you--or yeah less, since again, I know not everyone likes this series--are reading and reviewing it, I will have to try to remember to come back and read said reviews after I've read it.
So to all you smart people who didn't do what I did and preorder a MUST read, kudos to you and I hope you enjoy Origin! I will definitely be enjoying it in two weeks! :P