Bad Reviews: To Read or Not to Read?
The dreaded bad review. We all hate to write them. Especially if we were really looking forward to reading said book. But what about when it comes to you as the reader? Do you read all the reviews for a book you want to read? Both good and bad?
If there's a book I am sort of curious about but it hasn't made its way onto my "shopping" list I will read both good and negative reviews. I want all the criticism on it, be it good or bad. I truly want to know what everyone was thinking! I rely on other bloggers just as much as I may be relied on. Because there's a looooot of books in my room that need to be read. I need to know if this ONE book I can't make up my mind on or not needs to join them! Lol!
So yes, I will read the good and 5 star reviews and I will read the not so great and 3 and below star reviews. I find it helpful sometimes, I say sometimes because trust me, it's happened before where the reviews are divided right down the middle! Lol.
So what do you guys think? Will you read a bad review for a book you want to read, but are still thinking about? This does bring up another topic which I will be moving onto tomorrow about reading reviews for the books you already know you want to read!