Apr 30, 2017

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

It was another good week! Didn't add too many books to the TBR pile, but still didn't come out empty-handed!

Here's what I bought:

Legion by Julie Kagawa--keeper copy!
Champion: The Graphic Novel by Marie Lu, Adapted by Leigh Dragoon, Ill. by Kaari
The Dead List by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Since Saturday was Independent Bookstore Day I headed out to my favorite one in a torrential downpour! LOL! Nothing stops me from visiting on special days like this!

So I bought Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn, and then was allowed 5 ARCs from the bounty of ARCs the bookstore had! I tamed myself to four!

Now I Rise by Kirsten White (ARC)--yeah...once I saw it I had to grab it! I can binge the first two together at least! LOL!
Roar by Cora Carmack (ARC)--after closer inspection I thought it didn't sound too bad! Plus I am seeing a lot of buzz over it already!
Ringer by Lauren Oliver (ARC)--another happy surprise! Still need to read the first one but happy to binge two in a row!
Dreamfall by Amy Plum (ARC)--which I was super excited to find since her books have been hit or miss for me yet, I really wanted to try this one! So being able to find an ARC was awesome!

Then as I was munching on my delicious gooey butter cookie, I saw some gorgeous bookish necklaces with quotes! I couldn't decide between these two...so naturally I had to buy both!

Then I got some awesome preorder swag from Sarah Ahiers! This was before I learned I won an ARC!

deleted scene from Thief's Cunning
artwork cards

Then I won a box of ARCs from Mundie Moms in a contest awhile back and they arrived this week!

THANK YOU Mundie Moms!

My other win also came in the mail yesterday...getting soaking wet is so worth it when there's a book waiting for me in the mailbox!

 Thief's Cunning by Sarah Ahiers (ARC)--a contest win I was stoked to have won!! Ironically I also saw it among the ARCs to choose from at my bookstore today! But luckily I knew this one was on its way after I won!! :)

THANK YOU Sarah (again!)!!

And that was my haul this week! What did you get?