Jul 2, 2018

Let's Discuss: Favorite Antagonists

Okay I apparently didn't get as many discussion posts in that last week of June, but since I am already ahead of the game in my challenge goal, I figure I was due a break! Lol! Plus, I'm running low on discussion ideas. My little list is getting harder to work with by asking for favorites of this or that! Eek.

Favorite Antagonists

This one's hard! I mean, naturally, one of my favorites is The Darkling! I was definitely rooting for him in Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone trilogy! Thankfully I know I am not alone in that! Lol!

Another antagonist I liked was Xifeng from Forest of a Thousand Lanterns! Though in a way, it's hard to call her the antagonist of her own story. But in the greater picture, she is the Evil Queen from Snow White! A new version of Snow White, but still the same tale we all know and love! 

I positively love reading villains' side of the story! I think this "genre" is an amazing one! I love all the different versions of the beloved fairy tales and reading new twists to the story through another character's eyes!

I am particularly looking forward to Sea Witch by Sarah Henning at the end of the month!

Who are some of your favorite antagonists?


  1. My favorite antagonist would have to be Warner, if he still counts haha. I loved him in the Shatter Me series.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  2. My favorite antagonist is Maven from the Red Queen series. I love him so much!

  3. We kind of love them more than hate them probably because of the layers in their characters. Like Boromir from LOTR and Snape from the HP series.

    Hmm, I am not a big reader of YA fantasy so I can't think of more recent ones. But yes, definitely Xifeng is one of the fairest of antagonists! (pun intended) :D

  4. Snape was the first that came to my mind as well! I don't read a lot of fantasy, so all of my favorites will be from classics probably, like Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Frankenstein (from, well, Frankenstein!). Both of those books are among my all-time favorites.

  5. Queen Levana from The Lunar Chronicles was the first villain who came to my mind, so I'm going with her.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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