Aug 25, 2023

Book Blogger Hop


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Have you ever been enticed to read more by an author or book? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: I'm not sure if I understand the question. Are we saying has a book or author ever enticed me to read more in general? I've always been an avid reader, so I can't really say yes to this question. No book or author has made me say I want to read more of this kind of stuff, because I was legit already looking for that kind of stuff when I stumbled upon whatever book or author.

But I guess you can say when I read Demon in My View wayyyyyy back when I wanted needed more vampire books in my life stat! So if we look at the question that way I can easily say yes!

But in a complex roundabout way, if I read a book and am so in love with the story and the author was new to me, I would go out and buy a backlist title or two should they have one. I did this way back in the early days of my blogging life! Or if the author recommended a book by another author and I loved the first one I would give that book a try! It was 2-3 authors blurbs that made me pick up Rachel Vincent's debut Stray and that started a lifetime love of her books and spawned this blog in fact! I still have a duology, one backlist and now her newest release to read still too! Hopefully I can get to one or two before the end of the year! 
Hopefully that answered the question to some extent! Lol!

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