Aug 27, 2023

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality

It was a scorcher of a week! Literally! We had heat warnings pretty much all week long. I think they finally ended last night. It was unbearable! I feel bad for everyone who has jobs that entail them being outside all day, because it was hot! And humid which makes it feel even hotter! I do believe we broke our heat record maybe Thursday or Friday, possibly Friday. I think the rest of the week, we just met the highest temperature! So yeah, the only time I left the house was to check the mail and that was with the hopes that something good was inside! Lol! I think out of those 5 days I had maybe 2 or 3 good days! Lol.

Here's what I got this week:

Foxglove by Adalyn Grace--B&N edition! Since last year I bought both B&N and standard editions because the covers were both so beautiful and I couldn't pick one, I ended up with both again! Lol! I ordered a signed standard copy as a treat for myself and that's in transit now! So that will happen next week and I sooo need to get my copies of book 1 out of storage for a photoshoot because I am dying to photograph them together. It's just going to be soooo daunting to find them both. Luckily, I need to hunt for a signing book soon anyway!

Psyche and Eros by Luna McNamara--LitJoy Crate Edition! And OMG this edition is just GORGEOUS! I had been wanting to pick this one up for awhile but never caught it on sale then I saw LitJoy's gorgeous edition and I just thought why not?! It was actually a little cheaper than buying it the store and check out that naked cover and edges! I was going to share more of the art inside and around, but thought I'd leave that as a surprise...although I think LitJoy has all the pics up as well! I was very happy with this purchase! And better yet I discovered I had reward dollars in my account so it was a double savings!

Then I also got my Fairy Loot YA book! I was a bit hesitant about this one but since my skips were down pretty low I wasn't up for using one this time around. Really wish those could be a little higher than what they are. But it is what it is. I'm not sure if I'll read this one or not, it might just go in my maybe someday pile or see if it's good for a trade for something I'd rather have, which is also doubtful as it seems the trade hashtag on Twitter--refuse to call it by its new name--has been silent. I'm not on FB so I can't go to that one, but oh well.

Then my A Touch of Magic Designs order came in! I just bought a print and cupcake pin this time, but I got a bonus print which was nice, but I also already have it. So that will also go in a possible trade pile! Lol.

The print of Jacks and Evangeline was my bonus print that I already have but it's still lovely and then I bought the new one of Scarlett because I am a Caraval/OUABH fan for life now! Lol! Then I also bought the cupcake pin of the month. It's LOTR/Hobbit themed, which wasn't a fave read of mine, but I've already committed myself to collecting the cupcakes regardless so my cute little banner will be properly filled. 

Yes. I know how weird that is, but I'm already past the halfway mark, so I'm having at it! Lol.

A closeup of the pin! Regardless of my commitment or lack thereof to the fandoms of choice, these pins are still amazing and gorgeous so it's not too much of a hardship! Definitely hoping this is the last cupcake round. I didn't let myself get into the library collection, but I buy the pin on occasion if I like it enough! Much easier that way. Lol.

And that was it for me this week! What all did you get?

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