Aug 24, 2023

Let's Discuss: TBR Pile Organization


I'm really scaring you now aren't I? Lol! I was seriously just about to end my parade of discussions when one of the last things I wrote in my post yesterday struck something in me and I thought...oooh discuss it!

TBR Pile Organization

This will probably shock absolutely everyone who knows me, but my TBR pile is not organized. At. All. Of course right now the majority of my "read" books are in storage. But those are usually all meticulously organized by author's last name and the series are generally in order of how they were released, otherwise they are in the order that I've read them in. Which 99% of the time is in the release order.

But my TBR pile? I am ashamed to admit those are all just shoved on the shelf, the trunk, into piles with absolutely no organization whatsoever! This is probably why I have a difficult time trying to find the book I want to read next. Series are all spread about, although I do try to keep them next to each other when I can. I've reorganized a few books on occasion so that trilogies can all be together or continuing series are near each other.

For the most part though it is absolute chaos! How does some with near OCD tendencies with her books manage this? I've no clue! The TBR pile started out so small. It was just maybe 2-3 books just stacked on the bookshelf and then I would look for something to re-read should I have nothing new added during that duration. Then I started going to RT conferences and came home with a stack of books, then I went to another, then blogging took off and new books were introduced, then Borders closed and had those everything must go sales where I bought books I thought sounded interesting enough and thus the TBR pile was born! The chaos and disorganization became chaotic.

I decided to hold out for a few series to be finished before starting them and while a few of those series are all together, a few are also not.

So yes, the girl who loves being organized and having everything it its place...has a TBR pile that is the very definition of chaos! Or I suppose you could call it organized or contained chaos since the books are all mostly together. They are on 2 bookcases and a trunk and few scattered on one more shelf that's partially finished reads and largely TBR reads. So TBR pile is my ultimate shame.


Do you keep your TBR pile organized? Is it arranged on shelves? Is it an actual pile? 







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